Any Chinese Community in Doha?

By moshimoshi80 •
Shouting out to all Chinese, Hong Kong, Taiwanese, etc.!!! I've been in Doha for a year now but I have only met one other person from Hong Kong (other than the waiters/waitresses in Chinese restaurants). I seriously want to get in touch with my Asian roots here~ Are the any groupies or community gatherings?
There's plenty of Chinese in Qatar :)
There's the chinese group on QL
ILQ's Chinese group (here)
I personally travel to Shanghai once a year and I'm going to HK in December :)
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
i'm chinese, been here for about three months and it's quite boring here. Gotta agree, that there aremore flip's here then any other asian nat's
you born in hong kong ok and grew up in states ok,but any time have you visited china,and know about their culture.Here lot of filipis working hard for their families ,whom are in Philiphines.
So,here you want to say about your birthplace and grown up place,what next ???? study place,working place ...... du bu chi,it is fun, ha ha ha
i've been here for a little bit over one year and i only met one hk. on the contrary, there's a mob of filipinos here so i think i'm being converted lol...
i was born in hong kong and grew up in the states. but my boss says i'm more hk than american ^.^
gege,ni hao!i am so glad to see you guys come from other contries.very nice take part in sonme parties.really worth to remember.
Ask Brit. He knows a strong community at Ramada. Ni hao!
Eleven -- Mei mei are you searching only chinese why not me?
Ni hao moshimosh.
We are also Asian you can have my friendship also.Mei mei is it ok.If you friend with her,then she is also a friend of
in the 1st floor bar, old Ramada.
i have been here for 5 months and figure out chinese are not active on QL. though there are many chinese living in doha.i am trying to know more chinese friends here ,but too difficult.
I am from HK and have been here for 2 years already, of coz have a couple of Chinese friends. Where are you from moshimoshi?
You should contact suri19, she's from korea.
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I am Scottish living in Canada now. I worked in China from 2007 to early 2009. Then I was redeployed to Qatar. I have been in Qatar for four weeks and I quite like it. But I loved China and was very disappointed to have to leave that country. I worked in Beijing, Tianjin, Sichuan, Shanxi, Heilongjiang. I spent a good time at Qingdao too (good beer). If you are from China and just need a friend to go have a beer with, or just for a chat, you can contact me through this forum.
Britexpat always seems to know a lot. I think he is the Chinese ambassador.....
Im half chinese from the Philippines
I am from Hong Kong.
there r too many of them.dont u c them around.u only looking for them or asians or arabic too
join the chines group