Americans angry about everything
Poll finds Americans angry about pretty much everything
Daily Caller
No wonder David Bowie was afraid of Americans.
A new Newsweek/Daily Beast poll finds that Americans are angry about…pretty much everything. From President Obama to congressional Republicans to even God (who has a 33 percent approval rating), everyone needs to watch out for an angry mob coming their way.
Unemployment is at 9.1 percent, gas and grocery prices are skyrocketing, the housing market is in the dumps, and people aren’t happy. Three quarters of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, and 81 percent say the job market is not where it needs to be. Half of respondents don’t think Obama has a plan to balance the budget, and 58 percent think Republicans aren’t doing their part to balance the budget either.
The poll finds that Americans are being affected by their anger in other parts of life as well. Fifty-six percent are so angry that they can’t even sleep and 13 percent say the anxiety has affected their sex life. Twenty-six percent of married respondents claim the country’s economic problems have affected their marriage, with more than half of those people saying it has made their marriage worse.
Its not about generalising the American people's attitudes in every country there a sweet and sour grapes. The problem is political since they are constantly trying to "protect" other nations yet they completely ignore their own people who are saturated in gang violence, drugs, prostitution and human trafficking. If they were clear of all these problems i would perhaps develop a realisation that they were trying to develop a peaceful democracy as is their own.
Good point AngelinaBallerina!
,,they had all the good blessings on earth. Seems all rights were on their shoes.
Lately, the news are saying that every Arab nation is angry and tired of tyrants and all those god given monarchies...
They want a change for better or maybe for worse.
About that for a anger management????????
The Arab world got angry because Osama Bin Laden got killed, About anger management?
it was.....but still not an opinion...
Oh...I thought some text from your post were removed...
The mentioning of Lebanese men was not an opinion.
It's all about a poll and that was your individual opinion...
Excuse me come this is acceptable to mention Americans being angry BUT in my post with Lebanese in the title it is rule for one eh????'s ok I know how it works round 'ere
I should have said, exception to the rule, not rule to the exception.
Mystiq... a suprise? Hmmm...
Ofcourse , this explains your mood swings :o(
I think we should all surprise John with a gift for being the only happy American :D Wouldn't that be sweet lolll
I'm an American and I'm not mad about anything. I guess I'm the rule to the exception.
Thanks for the advice, I guess that explains why DaRuDe is Rude and Angry all the time..:)
mr_qatar or is it the other way around, Mr are the weakest link. (drums ).LOL
Pilgram, Good for you, Good for you.
Mr Obama sorry to say but u r going to be vanished
thats their human attitude maybe :P cant blame them
B2D, right you are.Its everyone's fault. LOL
Good thing I'm not American. :P
... and it's all someone else's fault, never their own :P