Amateur Medical Practices

Today's sports day brings about a theme of Fitness and Health.
Health reminds me of a "Blood Donation Camp" for the kids suffering from Thalassemia that was set up in my university.
I remember everybody participated in the event, from organizing to actual donation of the blood. It was something like 1345 hrs and the medical team was about to wrap up the event when an announcement was made. So far 199 people have donated blood and we are looking for 200th donor before we close the camp, in next 10 minutes.
With the announcement a search began for a potential donor. That is where i came in. I remember i was greeted by a young beautiful lady doctor who made me sit on this bed. Then she brought her equipment, wrapped a band around my arm and uncovered a big needle that suppose to draw out the blood into a bag.
Seeing the length and diameter of the needle, my excitement changed to a little bit of fear very quickly. Next thing i remember is the big needle being inserted all the way in my arm. Hmmm.. it didn't hurt much to be honest. So i said to myself ok this whole thing is now just about laying back and waiting for the blood to be drawn out of me now. But then she said, wait, the needle is not inserted properly. So she withdraw the whole thing and reinserted it back into the artery. Damn!@ it was painful!! Her hands were shivering too. All confused and puzzled she called out to her colleagues, "Doctor can you help me with this". Then came along a senior doctor and she very calmly said, " O dear, this is not the right place, and she took out the needle completely and reinserted at a third spot.
Damn!!!!!! It made big bruise in that place. Thank god it went well this time around. The intent of the donation was good but it was an inexperienced doctor that led to extreme bruising and painful ending.
So has anyone came across any amateur medical treatment?
What urge you think these people will WANT to do something that can't be made by an armature company. Especially as it would be regarded as a hindrance price sensible to their little company enterprise.
Ok I adore the effort that you put in GG, just to look like a Deadly Ghost :D
ohh deadman...you are revealing too much details here....thats a matching curtain just for Vday..lol
GG: You are fearless and looking awesome in that red valentine dress :) Amazing!
O wait a minute.... isnt that my red curtain ?!!! :)
Actually it is one of the events that lead to me being a Deadman :)
I have donated many times.... but off late my Hemoglobin level is always below 12 so they dont take mine..
Deadman you forgot...you are already dead!!
dead people should be fearless like me..:)
thought ur already dead :P or died after that incident with elsething :D
Well in that case I would have been Dead for sure :)
Just be glad you were not lying on an operating table....
Lolz! Btw that too was not a good experience! U next. .... thump a big needle in one instant! :)
:D poor deadman, once doc told me to donate blood and was convincing me to do so, I told him whatever u say I will never give, I hate to see blood :(
first time I gave blood was in medical commission :P