About want to have a business in the center

By Morning Beauty •
I would like to tell people who wanted to rent a shop from Fashion Asia which is located in the Airport road i just want to warn u guys that the space that they are selling are already taken by somebody and they still want to make money out of it. u have to investigate first before u take a space in that center ,just to give u an idea in case they will not trap your money and they gonna put u in problem.
I don't think anybody goes there...all there is is a small supermarket and shops selling fake jewelry...very, very strange place!
Many shops are closed or empty.
Theres alot of loop holes, and unless you are fully aware of everything I would avoid opening shop their.
Couple of concerning problems I found:
- If you obtain a license from Asia Mall then you will face trouble obtaining Baldiya license. If you notice 80% of the shops signboards are covered.
- Central Cashier system. Everyone has to purchase POS from Asia Mall. At the end of the business day you need to submit your sale amount to Asia Mall admin. They will then return this money to you after 10 days. Majority of the shop owners don't get their money back past +20 days
- You must hire your staff through Asia Mall at their rates. If you had thought about employee someone or working yourself your going to be in for a huge surprise.
- Asia Mall is barely doing any marketing to introduce traffic. A majority of the people are coming in window shopping and walk out.
- If you search in Qatar Living you will find a majority of people are closing up shop and selling.
- They where charging me QR 200K KEY MONEY for a restaurant space. Had they been established and can show I can make a minimum of QR 3000 daily sale I would have thought about it
- Profit sharing. 15% from daily sale (not monthly) and this will include rent + utilities + admin + security + cleaning etc etc.....I think 15% is kind of exaggerated!
However, I have to add that with any business their needs to be some time given to generate awareness and traffic. It might work a year or two down the line...But right now it's pretty messed up...I would also avoid this place.
Benson get a life!!! She is informing business owners to be careful if they inquire about renting space !! If you don't like it, don't go there......or go there........ but don't look if it's offensive to you. Omg peace out !!,