Bachus it was obviously a western conspriacy to deny the rightful Saudi lady from winning. She obviously had the most beautiful eyes but was overlooked.
Has anyone got the number of miss philipinees? I'd like to give her a call and invite her over to the Rubgy Club and then the W for a fun packed night out. You never know she might get lucky as well.
Reminds me of that joke why is marriage like a hurricane. In the beggining there is a lot of sucking and blowing but in the end you lose your house......
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She went as a whale.
ROFL QDCLover. I thought she did splendidly in the swimsuit category.
Bachus it was obviously a western conspriacy to deny the rightful Saudi lady from winning. She obviously had the most beautiful eyes but was overlooked.
And congratulations to the WINNER. The American representative.
Hold on. If it was Miss Universe, then why did not the triple brea$ted wh0re of Galambatus iv win ?
QDCL you dropping your standards it used to be 2 Meat Kebabs with 6 pack of fosters!
No KFC for my lady, only two meat shwarmas and 5 pints of stella, nothing but the best.
Not sure about Miss Philippines but I am sure you will have your PM flooded with numbers :)
Has anyone got the number of miss philipinees? I'd like to give her a call and invite her over to the Rubgy Club and then the W for a fun packed night out. You never know she might get lucky as well.
lol QDCL.. Cant wait to start the weekend with a cold iced .... :)
Reminds me of that joke why is marriage like a hurricane. In the beggining there is a lot of sucking and blowing but in the end you lose your house......
Both the USA and Philippines have had some bad storms this good result will go some way in healing their pain.
won by ms USA :)
Well done to 1st Runner-Up Miss Universe 2012 :)
Don't get me wrong UKEng I'd still give her one, I don't restrict myself to winners only....
BTW who did win?
lol QDCL..:)
Isn't 2nd the first loser?