10 Illegal Baby Names
Check this out, maybe your name is illegal. ;)
Check this out, maybe your name is illegal. ;)
Belive it or not I have met a man here in Qatar who pronunced his name 'A - Noose' but spelt it 'Anus'.
I thought Rizkshislife Wearinglungeinthewind was a banned named until some told me that actually its a name of a notorious QLER..:)
wtf? seriously?? it is harder for children nowadays to write their 2 first names..poor kid he should have his personalized pad paper, forms or something lol
Talk about quirky names..these parents are for sure nutty as they are creative!
Well.. It's about time we change the standard size of forms to make room for the new generation and their unique new names..
I'm sure in a couple of years that will be a normal name and name such as "Aitdtukvbnöpppijgggrrghr4vokl556l" (pronounced Martin)and "Gttttdcsuuiobss1fgguubssdr678b"( pronounced Bruce) will be in the Top 10 of famous name.
@maryam88, ur right that name is unique. The problem comes once your kid starts to learn writing his name and when he's filling up forms.
For me, that would be a nice password though. lol!
well personally i find the name "Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116" quite fashionable. I don't see the problem with it..
those silly parents think its cute!
Why do these parents even think of giving their kids ridiculous names? Are they just plain weirdos, stupid or deliberately trying to punish their offspring?
surinder.raj for a pork hater you seem to mention the word and get involved in the topic on a regualr basis, me thinks there is a PORK lover inside waiting to get out (and head straight to QDC and stock up on bacon)
A denmark couple wanted to name their kid (Anus)....I mean seriously??
Why doesn't the name Dick feature on there, which means Penis? :-(