09 Feb* -Picture of The Day "Living in Qatar"

"Leaving the western shadows
Naked in the face of tomorrow
Ooh, and the madness of black desert rain
That lets you rise up and flourish once again
Heading east
Bursting into calm sea like a river released
And the cool night will flow into the heat of the day
I will lose this shadow
I will find my way
Oh, Bedouin song
Is all i really own"
(Lior/Bedouin song)
Great Pic and great description!
Good Work Drac!!
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
lovely picture...a study in light and dark from all angles...wonderful to see the mixing of cultures in this sense..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Brit its not Drac its DaRuDe in disguise...lol
Arien my friend.. I only do baby sitting nowadays...lol getting too old for babe sitting..after all I am 53 as someone pointed out last friday..
The Sun must have been strong last weekend. I didn't recognize Drac under the turban..
Nice pic Drac....
right, dmigty,was taken last Friday
that was taken last Friday! I recognize the little girl as she points to the camel! Right, Drac?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Novi , Correction ;; UKeng does babE sitting not babY sitting.. lol
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
Yes, heero was great with all those kids there!
Dracula, thank you for sharing ;P
Great photo
Great photo Dracula.
Gracias, Oryx!
thats a beautiful photo to be treasured... :)
yes.."Camels Palace" QLSG trip..few days ago!
Heero was one of the kids :D)
The best kind of play costs nothing and really only has one main requirement — imagination. And..yeah..Heero has a lot of imagination! :)
He can be a perfect playmate!
i think UKEng can do with the baby sitting as well :) Seriously, Heero seems great playing wth the kids. Sometimes my son complained because the sitter wont do anything wth him.
Thank you so much!
Lady Novi..please use the Classifieds! :P
muhahahahahahaahahahaha :)
Heero, how much do you charge for baby sitting ?
Heero: "Talk to my hand,kid!" :)
That's a great picture of one HERO....
I like this topic very much really interesting!!!
tsk tsk tsk!! really nice...
...that up until now I still play Legos and watch cartoons at my age.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
How I wish I wanna have one to start things anew...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
heero !!!! do you do baby sitting? those kids seems loves you very much.
maybe it's time for your OWN kid, heero! :)
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
salax, i know the girl in the photo very well :)
perfect hijack!...damn you Beautiful QL Ladies! :)
Indeed Alexa.
What's the news habibti?
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Hey i juz singed up 4 this n i dnt realy knw it wkrs!cud u lik help me!!!
hey cn i join in on ur conversations!!!
Brit...Holly came from Miami, Fla. Hitchhiked her way across the USA......doo be doo be doo doo be doo doo be doo be doo
Takes me back to a happy place. Lot of memories.. It's a classic.
hey girl. Take a walk on the wild side..
and the coloured girls go doo doo doo, doo ..
Good times :)
i love this photo, but you havent seen this girl throwing tantrum yet :P
hey there, take a walk on the wild side...doo be doo be doo doo be doo doo be doo be doo....
And the coloured girls say doo doo doo, doo ...
woot? :)
.oh, is she Andrada
oh..the frame..yes, you're right! :)
nice one.....nice one.
really reflects the multicultural exchange in just one image.
drac, i mean the frame of the picture it looks like in the ulead software.
"Living in Qatar"- life of the contrasts...
colourless,but goldenframed..:)
Amazing song by the way
Gulfline..it is a REAL picture!
drac, it looks like the picture has been edited in ulead.