Work Hours 48 or 60/ week? Ramadhan 8 or 6/ day?

Hi QLs,
Contract says 60 per week as the work time. work 10 hrs daily. Frday off.
Is this 10hrs should be 8hrs work and 2 hrs OT or 10 hrs without any pay?
What is the labour law related to this.
Company dont pay any OT.
During ramadan from 7:30 to 4pm work with 1/2hr break. is it leagal to take work 8hrs during ramadhan without any OT. Company since we work in AC inside office we dont get tired. so no need to go early and waste the time by sleeping... [I am the only muslim and other 3 are none Muslims, and managers are not fasting]
Please advice.
Qatar Labor Law Artical 73 & 90
Article (73)
The maximum ordinary working hours shall be forty four hours per week at the rate of eight hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the maximum working hours shall be thirty six hours per month at the rate of six hours per day.
The time spent by the worker in transportation to and from the place of work and residence of the worker shall not form part of the working hours.
The working hours shall include an interval or more for prayer, rest and taking of meals which interval or intervals shall not be less than one hour and shall not be more than three hours. The said intervals shall not be taken into consideration in calculating the working hours in fixing the rest interval but the worker shall not work for more than five consecutive hours.
The Minister shall by a decision specify the types of work in respect of which the work may continue without stoppage for the purpose of rest.
Article (90)
The normal working hours for the Juvenile may not exceed thirty six hours per week at the rate of six hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the working hours shall not exceed twenty four hours per week at the rate of four hours per day.
These companies are harassing all new comers by signing them to work for 60 hrs / wk and muslim should refuse to work in ramadhan for more than 6 hrs/ day. Every year labout dept. clearly advertise in all leading paper for restricted workers. If any body objects approach the labour dept. they will help you.
The rule says 6 hours during the ramadan...and 9 hours working with 1 hour of break...the latter varies depending upon the company. Still this is\the rule which is to be followed...legally
The rule says 6 hours during the ramadan...and 9 hours working with 1 hour of break...the latter varies depending upon the company. Still this is\the rule which is to be followed...legally
The working hours shall include an interval or more for prayer, rest and taking of meals which interval or intervals shall not be less than one hour and shall not be more than three hours. The said intervals shall not be taken into consideration in calculating the working hours in fixing the rest interval but the worker shall not work for more than five consecutive hours. The Minister shall by a decision specify the types of work in respect of which the work may continue without stoppage for the purpose of rest.
The time spent by the worker in transportation to and from the place of work and residence of the worker shall not form part of the working hours. The working hours shall include an interval or more for prayer, rest and taking of meals which interval or intervals shall not be less than one hour and shall not be more than three hours. The said intervals shall not be taken into consideration in calculating the working hours in fixing the rest interval but the worker shall not work for more than five consecutive hours. The Minister shall by a decision specify the types of work in respect of which the work may continue withoutstoppage for the purpose of rest.
Article 73 (QLL)The maximum ordinary working hours shall be forty eight hours (48)per week at the rate of eight hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the maximum working hours shall be thirty six (36) hours permonth at the rate of six hours per day. The time spent by the worker in transportation to and from the place of work and residence of the worker shallnot form part of the working hours. The working hours shall include an interval or more for prayer, rest and taking of meals which interval or intervals shall not be less than one hour and shall not be more than three hours. The said intervals shall not be taken into consideration in calculating the working hours in fixing the rest interval but the worker shall not work for morethan five consecutive hours. The Minister shall by a decision specify the types of work in respect of which the work may continue without stoppage for the purpose of rest.
..... Company SAYS since we work in AC inside office we dont get tired. so no need to go early and waste the time by sleeping...