Salary (& Visa!)
Hi Guys
Good to see such active forums, all very helpful to a prospective newbie.
I guess I'm looking for reassurance, as I have been offered a position but they cannot seem to get my work visa sorted, coming up to three months waiting time now. Is this normal, coming from the UK?
My salary package (for a single man with no dependants) is:
Basic 18,000QR
Annual bonus 4,500QR
Accomodation 4,500QR
Travel and phone 1,400QR
One -off furnishing allowance 20,000QR
35 days holiday + one return ticket paid
Will I be able to get a reasonable lifestyle as reading the ads an apartment is going to cost around 7000 per month, so my salary will take a hit.
Hope you can advise me guys, and promise to buy you all a Coke, or something!
just search for a villa where your budget is enough..if you will live alone , i think one room with attached bathroom and kitchen will do for you not unless your family is with you then you really need a big can also ask their idea as to where your possible accommodation...
their offer is good and if i were you i will grab it...
congrats mike..but you dindot tell us for whom are you going to work...i have been waiting for my visa for two months...and it seems i will wait more...
Hi Withnail
My earlier post today must have done the trick, because I have just received my full work visa by e-mail!
If anyone knows of a shared villa available for around 6 - 7500QR per month, please let me know.
Also looking in vain for some organised small sized or 11 a side football, I have over 20 years experience organising leagues etc, so if anyone is interested let me know.
Regards to all
You may have a hard time finding an apartment for 7000 per month. As a single man you may find it more economical to find shared accomodation. You also don't have a car allowance and you will need a car here. Buying a car will be cheaper in the long run than renting.
not long at all. my company is working on my official visitor visa (or something like that) and will start the permanent visa procedure when i arrive. i was told they need the original police clearance for that.
i was also told that the permanent visa should take a month, maybe 5 weeks. i hope that's right.
i'll be arriving mid may so i'll find out soon enough.
I've only been waiting five weeks so far, so I'm not getting that antsy yet. It would certainly make the waiting easier though if I had some ballpark figure to work to from my employer.
How long have you been waiting, Withnail?
3 months seems like a long time. i am waiting for my visa too.
are you alone? from what i have gathered, you can expect most things to be the same price or cheaper in qatar than what you are used to in the UK. the exceptions to this are rent, and maybe booze.
rent is what most people complain about, so do your homework regarding what a flat will cost. after that, whatever is left is tax free so it should be easy to figure out where you end up.
i have also heard that getting a nice place can be hard.