salary range for a web professional
hi all,
im new here in doha i arrived 2 weeks ago, im on visit visa currently seeking for a work. I just want to ask what will be the salary range that is right for me? I'm a Microsoft Certified Professional and Microsoft Certified Applications Developer. I have more than 2 years experience in web development. A salary range for Web master or web developer.
thanks! xD
im from Philippines. Thank you for all your responses. Im very thankful that there's Qatarliving community forum is very active and members are active in answering inquiries and questions.
Nepali Bengali- 1500-2000
Pakistani-Sri Lankan-2000-2500
Egyptian-Jordanian and others-10,000 above
American-British- 30000-50000
Dont be upset with me it is the reality
you are probably not going to get a satisfactory answer to the question. There are just too many variables.
Web stuff does not have a high priority here.
Salaries depend upon your nationality and the company you work for. If you are from SE Asia / India, you will get paid a lot less than you would if you are North American working at a North American insitution.
Hi all, basically im a web programmer mainly using C# as my programming language. thanks for the reply
today every hight scholar is a web professional. MS Certificates you can get easy by making not too difficult test on line..
I wouldn't start from asking about salary. Check first if you can get ANY job in this field...
I would suggest you diversify your search to any sort of office/administrative work, where your web and computer skills will be a potential advantage. I dont think web development has a big market here - even though this is only a guess.