Salary question

Salaam & hello,
I'm reading alot of information of what Indians and Westerns (Americans, Brits, etc) can expect in Qatar? But what about Arabs?
So my husband finally got the offer for promotion & relocation to Qatar ... Can anyone tell me maybe if this is good offer? Is it enough to live off of, possibly have a modest amount of money monthly to put into saving? We are a family of 6 people: 2 adults, 4 children -- one working adult, one SAHM, one middle schooler, two kindergarteners and one baby. The position is in Al Saad but we would like to possibly be outside of the city centre in a place suited for families (like with play area etc) I'm not familiar with Qatar so I'm not sure about the housing or areas.
My husband has Algerian nationality and this would be our first Gulf experience. The job would be a promotion from my husban's current company here in our home country. He has 6 years work experience with this company. He would be moving up from Chief Accountant to Finance Manager.
salary - 35,000 riyal
transport 2,000
housing 4,000
education 1,500
medical included
one time relocation expense allowance 25,000
No travel expenses have been discussed yet (for intital trip there nor annual trips back home)
Thanks in advance for any feedback! =)
Thanks for that Bachus! I'll pass it by my husband!
All catastrophic care (like being run over by a bus) goes to the national system.
But for routine care (sports injuries, childhood infections, etc.) there is a huge difference between public in private--particularly in terms of friendliness, waiting times, time with the doctor, etc. Like most national health systems, the Qatar system is over-stretched and spends most of its time of patching up the serious cases rather than on routine preventative care.
Bachus, I'm not sure about the health care. I will have to ask about this. Is there a quality difference? Thank you for rising the question.
I would say 15k including bills for a very modest villa in a fairly basic compound. You could spend much more, but I would not recommend spending less.
The French schools are cheaper, but 3 in any school will get expensive.
Is the health private health insurance or is it the national health (Hamad)? There is a big difference in terms of it being a benefit (national health is effectively free for you and the employer).
My husband's company is an international Marketing co, but he would working as the Fianance Manager.But I'm not sure how big or how much revenue in Qatar.
Looking online, yes we found 3 bedroom homes in compound generally start from 10,000. My husband says he wouldn't mind paying the difference if the salary was enough for everything else. Hence, why he sends the wife to do the research LOL!
Education, I've read is high but we would be looking to put our middle schooler in a French school - maybe like Voltaire or the Tunisian - not sure what others are there ... We are not looking into the American or British schools for sure LOL!
Bachus, when you say 15k per month with bills -- do you mean this 15k includes the bills OR 15k + the bills? Sorry for my English misunderstanding!
I will pass this information to my husband! I appreciate all the feedback! =)
The base is livable, but the housing in education are terrible.
A family compound like you are describing will run at least 15k a month with bills.
Places at good schools will run a minimum of 25k a year. Places at the best international schools are upwards of 60k a year per child.
nothing to think about go for it...!!!
That is a dream for you to get that great package. My fil is an accountant here since 39 years with 7 kids compared to your 6 years, and he is local only getting 19000.00 total package.
It may depends on the Company and its product. How big the company is and what sector is it under. Employees are paid more if they are in multinational / large companies or they're under financial / bank or Oil & Gas sector.
While his salary is good. The Housing allowance is very low (11.5% of his basic salary). The standard housing allowance should be around 30 - 35% (10,500 - 12250).
But still, that's my opinion...
Base Salary is good, its the housing allowance and education
for housing minimum needed in my opinion is QAR 12000 for a house big enough to accomodate family of 6.
For education, some one on QL might be able to give you better idea, but i have heard its expensive here
Good Luck