Salary Package for 4 years experienced Software Programmer in Doha

By pradeepmadhanan •
Can anyone guide me how much is the salary package for a 4 years experienced Software Programmer in Doha? Whether 10,000 QR (with no other benefits like travel, family status, etc.) is reasonable?
After paying for accommodation, this salary won't leave you with enough money. Don't forget you don't always get what is promised from companies here so beware.
10,000 without any benifits is poor living in Doha...depends again if u are bachelor, if have expensive tastes, etc..if u have some amount of experience then the indian salary would keep you happy as the company's there are paying good..
study the details of the expenditure before getting here...
there is not much s/w programming happening here..mostly in dubai..and company's have sales office here..
Depends on the company