Is this salary OK

Int school salary- IS THIS OK.
Hello everyone,
I am a British classroom teacher, married with 3 young kids with coming upto 5 yrs exp in secondary education.
I have been offered a teaching post in Qatar which comprises of the following.
12000 QR per month
4 bed Accommodation paid for
Subsidised food within compound.
electricity, water, gas included
One time 30000 QR furniture allowance
Baggage allowance
End of service gratuity
Kids education paid for
Medical cover
Annual return flights for all of us
After tax in the UK im earning a little under the 12000QR offered a month.
Is this a good deal, will We be able to have a decent standard of life, can we save some money???
Can I squeeze them for some more cash, or will I be pushing my luck.
Advice most appreciated
PM me if Req
waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy to low. The salary for a Western educated person should at least be QAR 25000+++. Get in touch with some Western recruiters active in Doha and discuss the your case.
Also, what compound ? Quality of housing is not comparable to what you are used to. I life in a brand new house, and the plumber, technician is in our house every week. This is not uncommon. We are lucky since at least the landlord is very helpful.
Karoly - british school fees are non existent - schooling, like health care is free. Also, check about school fees here, most contracts it is not blanket, they give you an amount and often not enough to cover the full cost
Actually you package will come to 12000 + 9000 accommodation + 5000 school fees. This is besides other benefits. This is in the higher bracket of salaries here. Also you have good potential to give some private tuition.
sounds not bad. you are earning less than 12000 total in uk. here you can save the whole of 12000. i believe british school fees is very high, so that itself is worth. Believe me it is a very good offer, especially during these times.
TB irrelevant, KFC delivers (badly often)
What time does KFC close?
No... I was mistaken... I don't know what I was thinking... It's the drink talking...
tb so you are recommending someone to come even though his salary wont change but everything else is more expensive, makes no sense. apologies,petrol is cheaper but since there is nowhere to go, it makes no difference
I would never recommend coming to Qatar for approximately the same amount your are making in your own country. It's just too ... Dang, what's the word I'm looking for? Untrustworthy? Unstable? It's just that a contract doesn't seem to be a contract here.
Errrr... right nothing hormonal... blimey is that the time...
Nothing hormonal about pure maths, it is objective not subjective. Ok, what if he wants to bring his pet to maintain the quality of life and keep his kids happy? vets cost an arm and a leg? What if he wants to have the odd drink here, either at home or in a bar, costs an arm and a leg, what if he wants to have a meal at somewhere other than KF effing C, costs an arm and a leg - ergo his quality of his life goes down because on that salary, guess what. he cannot afford it, isn't that the whole reason for leaving the uk? Otherwise stay in the UK with cheaper dining out options and being close to family and friends
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj75 there is no way I am fighting with you... you are hormonal. Prince Charles stay where you are dude!
nah would not move for that money. same as uk but your quality of life going down, no brainer, don't come
expensive as I said,
Good point Stealth.. I was just about to say that
you can make a whole lotta money on the sidelines by giving private tuitions
I had a 4 piece mixed KFC with mashed potato and gravy for lunch for just £2.60 followed by a Dairy Queen Blizard ice cream for just £1.39
I don't find it expensive out here :p
only cheap things here in qatar are petrol, batteries, razors and fags and unless your children can live on these things they you are stuffed, all things are far more expensive than uk
minimal living expenses, unless his whole family live on fresh air, everything is expensive here, from food to clothes etc
And don't listen to the lovely, errrr... no gorgeous sirens, the weather is not that bad... err... honest.
£2081 in the bank tax free every month with minimal living expenses.
Yup, especially in July and August...rofl!
TB,it is now but in a month awful getting more awful till october
TB,it is now but in a month awful getting more awful till october
Get out here... you will love it.. the weather is gorgeous
sounds very low to me