Salary needed for family of 5

Please could I ask your advice.
We are a family of 5 currently living in New Zealand, from the U.K.
I have been offered a basic salary of 34,600QR and living allowance of 10,000QR. per month.
Our children are all school age and I have been looking at the cost of schooling, linked with the cost of it worth it???? Do others manage???
My wife is a therapy radiographer, however has been advised to approach the hospital when she comes to Doha, so we have no idea what she would be earning.
I would welcome all comments, good or bad and thank you in anticipation
Thanks for all your replies...
To answer some questions
I am a lead instrument engineer with >10 years experience, the company is Worley Parsons
and looking at the offer there is no schooling or any other allowances so I will be enquiring further...
My wife has contacted HMC and they may be able to provide accomodation. Does anyone know what that is like?
Thank you all
Another question is who will you be working for? This may indicate what allowances you will receive.
try and negotiate your salary in GBP instead of QR and make sure they write the "£" figure instead of the "QR" one on your contract. That way you shield yourself from fluctuations in exchange rates. Although the question is: can possibly the USD go any lower than this?
It's good, but you have to ask them to pay for school, because schools here are expensive and depends in which school you want them to be submitted, as for the 10 000 living allowance, if this is your accomodation allowance and you have to pay for rent, then the 10000 will get you 2 or 3 bedroom apartment without electricity and water, some might be furnished and some might not!!
so the salary is great , but you have to put in mind that the cost of living is too much in here, so let them at lease give u an accomodation or pay for your kids education because with the amount you have you cant afford a house, a car, and 3 kids accomodation.... i mean you will have money left but not too much i gues.
This is my point of view..
You did not state a few things that would help others help you. What is the job title and how many years experience do you have.Also,are accommodation, transport allowance,schooling,etc provided or stated in the contract? Schooling can be very expensive (if you get in at all).