Received job offer - but is it do-able?

Hi folks,
I have received a job offer to come out to Doha for eight months and am wondering if it is worth my while.
I am currently UK-based and after slaving away for the same software house for 12 years felt the need to spread my wings...
Anyway, I have been offered:
Base salary - 5000usd pm
Housing - 2000usd pm
Transport - 800usd pm
Health - 200usd pm
I want to send £3000 home monthly so from that total package of 8000 I need to be able to live on 3000usd.
The big question is can I afford to live at all on 3kusd per month?
Thanks in advance
i think it is not enough for you to live with this package in qatar as for your life style... u better go back to ur home country... can i ask one question? why all UK and U.S people are coming for jobs to qatar? before you people was in U.A.E... now here? is your country so poor that you came for job hunt here? i am asking this because all the indians and pakistanis are jobless since you people came, first in u.a.e and now at qatar.
Your total package is 29,200 QAR per month. Rent will cost you between 6-10,000 QAR pm and if you stay away from the bars you can easily live on 3000 QAR or less, leaving you with 16 -20,000 QAR or 2,860- 3570 pounds per month.
I suggest you get your employer to cover your rent as 8 month rental contracts will be more expensive or try the classifieds on Qatar living and see if you can share...
if u are staying on bachelor status its okay with very limited spending, with 3000USD u have no scope to spend lavishly.