Payday and transferring money to SA bank

By paulfreathy •
Hi there, trying to find out what day is usually payday in Qatar? Is it similar to for example South Africa, where you get paid on the 25th of the month?
Also, if I open a bank account and want to transfer money from it to a South African bank account, how long does it generally take to get through, and clear etc?
If you bank with IBQ, they do transfers to ABSA.
Another way but its a shlep is to take your money to one of the Western Union banks, but make sure you have all the details about the bank including the SWIFT no.
Paul, you are most welcome....anytime....just ask!!!!
Thanks for the answers! Much appreciated. I'm sure I will be able to work something out with this information.
Hey Paul, payday is depending on the company, but so far I guess it's between the 25th and 28th of the month.
Once you get your account in Qatar you can make transfer to your SA account as many times as you want (unless restrictions from the bank arise, check with your banking representative), and times to be cleared and funds available to you in SA vary upon the bank.
For example I make transfer to europe and they clear between 48-72 hrs. Other banks clear it in 24-48 hrs. Once again it depends on the bank.
One other thing you could do is ask the Co you will be working for, to make you a split salary deposit, meaning some of the salary to your account here in Qatar and the rest to be deposited in SA bank.
Best of luck and regards
Paul, we get paid around 28th and also send money home but this is done through the company my husband works for. My daughter gets paid the last day of the month so I take it pay days are normally around the last week or so of the month