No Flights Home
By coolmoedee •
Is it common not have this benefit as part of an employment contract in Doha? I'm currently negotiating with a potential employer and they will pay only for the initial flight to and flight home upon termination/resignation.
There are people outside the oil and gas sector!?!?!
shows Job Title of manager.
Is it not a requirement of the Qatar labour Law. Housemaids ae entitiled to a ticket every two years.
That's normal for smaller roles with smaller companies, and it is what you would expect if you have a contract of a short duration.
The days of companies providing free housing, medical insurance, annual tickets etc etc are gone for a most people outside the oil and gas sector.
to disagree but I would have thought it abnormal unless you are on a one year contract.
that's normal here in doha except for some big-time companies