Need advise

Dear all
I need your advise. I carry over 10 year of exp in Banking indutry and recently recieved recieved an offer as follows. Can you please let me know if this can be purued.
Basic : 15000 QAR
In addition to this, there is company accomodation, transport allowance etc.
Is this salary really worth some one with around 10-12 year experience.
@Devkc - You have to tell me where are you from... But i will suggest take it... Housing is not cheap here, it will cost you not less than 5000-6000. Kids education will be around 12,000 - 30,000. BUt i will suggest you to take the offer as they might give you vehicle loan and house furnishing money so many + + +... and if you wife feels like working, its no problem (unlike US).... So i guess i will take it...
Is it significantly better than you are getting now? Is it worth the move? Will your kids be better off? Those are the questions you should be asking.
with basic and transport allowance, the total comes up to 19000 QAR. In addition to this i get free accomodation, free schooling for kids, free medical assistance etc. More or less the net take home salary will be 19000 QAR. So, i really need your advise. I saw a comment from happygolucky that it is not recommended and i am confused now. I request folks to advise me to take a right decision
What is your present salary ? It is a good salary for south Asians with non-western qualification. What will your total salary(Basic + Allowance).You can ask whether they will give House Rent Allowance in lieu of accommodation. You can check the rentals rates in QL.
10-12 years experience and QR15,000/- as basic. No way, not by miles. Atleast negotiate for anything between QR. 30-35K as basic if you are from an Asian country. If westerner, it should be in the range of QR. 45-50K. If you have kids you may check for education expenses too. Hope you have clarified on the type of accommodation.
Grab the offer and don't let it slip by.
Yes, highly recommended, it seems to be a good starting point, and as you show your performance you would get elevations and more perks.