Need advice on salary package
Hello everyone specially to all the Filipino expats here. just want to seek some advice and thoughts from you guys. I was given an offer in Doha but I'm not sure if it's ok or enough. They offered me a basic salay of QR6500 + housing + transpo. Is this offer enough for me to live decently there in Doha. Will I be able to save some money from my current offer? i'm still single but have plans on settling down in the near future.
Would appreciate if someone can give me a good estimate breakdown in terms of food, electricity, transpo and housing expenses every month.
thank you very much in advance!
depends on your lifestyle and your job position. though 6500 sounds less, but the good thing is accomodation provided... because in qatar accomodation takes away the good share of the salary... so you may consider the offer provided the accomodation is provided by the complany and also the transport.... food isnt very expensive,........ good luck.