need advice about job offer

Hello all
i need your advice about job offer i got in Qatar.
to introduce my self , i am Syrian 25 years old with 3 years experience in IT Field in banking (Syria).
The offer i got is 14,000 QR per month , and 15,000 QR as furniture allowance.
i know nothing about living in Qatar , so i need help to know the cost of renting a house , food , bills,cars, having a drink... etc.
Also do you think the salary is enough to have a good life there in Qatar and be able save some cash ?
appreciating your help
Its a good offer considering your years of experience irrespective of your marital status.
hello all
first thanks for your help.
i am not married , and surely dont have kids.
the salary should include everything.
as for house i will be looking for a flat with 1 bed room or studio .
for life style its about watching a movie weekly maybe having a meal out weekly or twice a week.
drink at the week end , and a fair enough weekend.
thanks again !
First let's see if he's got any kids... ;-)
housing rents are getting normal now. you can get 2b/r flat for 4500/qr per month
what is breakdown of this salary. try to get children school fees from your employer. school fees are very high in qatar
If you're a bachelor, then that amount will suffice. There are 1 bedroom apartments available now for 3K - 3.5K. You will not have much expenses on grocery, because I reckon you will eat out.
All in all I'd say it is average to begin with considering you have 3 years of experience.
Are they not providing housing?
If they are it is a good package, if not, it's ho-hum.