Monthly Salaries on top of accomodation
Hi There,
Been offered a role with a govt aligned organisation in education in an executive management / planning specialist role. Coming from Australia with 10+ years experience in management / consulting.
Been offered the usual flights, accommodation of QAR7k / month, plus travel etc, yet what is a normal salary range for this type of level - from all the forum posts it seems to vary from QAR15k to QAR35k? It appears that some expat teachers are getting QAR12-15k? Do govt aligned organisations ever raise the original salary that they offer as a result of negotiation? Any insights will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks mate. Appreciate your help.
As an executive specialist you should have them supply a suitable villa (will cost them 15.000 to 20.000 Riyals.) On top of that you should have a salary of 20.000 Riyals.