Market Value of IT or Computer Engineer

I am new here in Qatar, just arrived a month ago and currently looking for an IT or Computer Engineering related Job. May I ask, how much is the Market Value of an IT or Computer Engineer here in Doha, of a female like me with almost 6 years work experience. I am asking this, so in my next interview, I will have basis on the expected salary. Thank you in advance for your response!
Multi national
yes I am a software engineer. Thank you, I will send you my resume. What company are you into? Thanks again
Or you a software engineer/Programmer what? if so can you mail your CV to [email protected]
hello! thanks, i am referring to a Computer Engineer that is my background. thanks again!
Computer engineer or network engineer?
Network Engineer with CCNA /MCSC with around 6yrs of network experience have good scope....keep checking newspaper ads.
Job Market Value ...
is for a commodity.