Kahramaa Salary Offer for Junior Level , is it reasonable?

I want to ask if Kahramaa's Salary offer for Junior Level Engineer is reasonable?
Basic-QR 5,000
Housing:Married-QR 3,000
Single-QR 1,500
Transportation-QR 1,000
I also have 17 years experience in the biggest utility company in the Philippines.
What would be the reasonable Salary with my experience?
Thank you!
Hi neng, MULTIPLY the figures by 3 else you will not meet booth ends!
Hi neng,kahramaa give u only this salary package,wat about the other benifits like children education,medical,furniture allownce???
Hi neng,kahramaa give u only this salary package,wat about the other benifits like children education,medical,furniture allownce???
if u r doing good dont dream of coming here cas u can be kick any time
wats ur job position in kahramaa?