Job offer from Qatar Airways

By Kristine9582 •
I have recently received my offer letter from Qatar Airways. I am an Economics graduate and have been working for a little over four years. My background primarily involves knowledge process outsourcing. Can anyone please tell me if below compensation package is acceptable?
Job designation - Analyst
Grade - QR 06
Basic salary - QAR 6751
Housing allowance - QAR 2500
Transportation allowance - QAR 600
Leave ticket - 100% free once a year for myself, spouse and three children
Leave - 30 calendar days annual leave on full pay for each year of service
hello kristine! I just arrived here at doha and qorking as Quantityt Surveyor in a company and next year by april, my husband is coming here for us to be together.And our plan is that he woud apply at Qatar Airways. He is a graduate of air trnaportation and workinf as air transportation officer for 3 years in our hometown at pilippines. Question is, how did you apply at Qatar Airways? Is it thru online or you applied personal at their office? please help us. email me at [email protected]
well i think the package is low, however with the current economic situation you might not find better foir now.
As many on here will tell you, one of the hardest things to do in Qatar is save. It's a bit boring here, so the easiest thing to do is spend money in all the stores. You'll have a great time and get a good experience, so that's worth something in addition to what you save!
Enjoy it!
see you soon in Qatar.
I have friends already in Doha and they say that the rental market is really tight. I am glad I did not have to worry about accommodation, although they say I will save more if I take the money and rent elsewhere where I can share a room for less money.
I am single and I think that the basic salary offered to me is pretty okay. I am not a big spender so I am looking forward to saving money to send back home =)
I hope Qatar Airways is a good employer. I guess that's for me to find out! =)
Does that mean that you will not get the 2500? That means your total salary is about 7500. Definitely not bad, because housing would have been your biggest cost and I've seen some of the accomodations for Qatar Airways and they are not bad at all. You could actually look at is as if you are earning a tad more because your quality of life in accomodations is a bit better than you could afford outside. Living in accomodations means rules, though. At first, they may not seem intrusive, but they can be. No alcohol. No male guests past 10pm. Cameras for your "security" that may or may not track your movements, too. :)
But what about a vehicle? If you buy, you'll have debt. If you take a taxi daily, that will add up, too. As an "analyst" you may have a vehicle that comes to your accomodation every day and night so you can hitch rides. If not, that 600QR/month will definitely be needed.
Anyway...Qatar life can be really fun and as long as you watch your money, you'll enjoy the experience!
It is actually Qrs 2500 or company provided accommodation. I have in fact decided on taking the housing provided so I would not have to look for one.
The entire package is almost Qrs 10,000. Is that not good enough?
Do salaries increase every year? I believe there are end of service benefits too.
the cost of living is very high nowdays in qatar - offering nything below 10,000 is unfavourable to u.
I am surprised. What is a good offer to you by the way?
the offer is crappy for sure. undervalued.
as i know they will provide everything but they are so strike for everything for ex. u will be always standby u cant go out and feel freedom so what mean to have money and dont have freedom
[img_assist|nid=417|title=leo dude|desc=happiness comes only once dont miss it|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Well I hope they provide me all that's written on my job offer :-)
ya it's very good offer
but make it sure that they will provide you the same as they mentioned here
because many people comes to qatar with agreement like this but after their coming they are cheated by the company
so, it;s better to talk with other person who came before like you
Yes I think it is a good package for a single like me. I have just completed my pre employment medical examinations and will now wait for my residence visa. Hope everything goes well for me.
Its a quite good package since you are single. Go ahead!
I am single. I think the leave ticket benefit is something they offer to all, regardless of your civil status.
So for someone who's unmarried, is my package at a total of QAR 9851 okay?
If you're married that is not enough...I'm getting 12,000 riyals monthly, still not enough for me and my wife...
For a family of five, this is definitely not a good offer. The rentals for accommodation in Qatar itself is minimum Qrs 6000 to Qrs 7000 plus school fees, transportation, local expenses.
In Short, it is difficult to survive with this Salary.
The above things apply only if you stay with family here.