Is it consider GOOD / AVERAGE / BAD offer for IT position with 10 years exp?

Sorry for reposting, seems I am not used to talk in the forum :)
I just got detail offer from the employer
- Salary 10000 QR
- Home allowance 6000 QR
- Annual Leave – 35 days
- Variable bonus – 1-3 months depending on your performance.
- Office is in main City, Doha
- Permanent position
- Car loan will be deductible from salary, petrol allowance is given
I have family with 1 Kid (2 y.o) ... big question is (OMG i really dont know anything about Qatar)
- With 6K QR can I get decent living place in city area? Since the main concern is place to live
Pls anybody who could response write to me since I have to give fast answer YES or NO.
My main constraint is housing since like in Singapore (place I am residing) right now the most expensive and hard is to find house.
In singapore I still have a choice in flat (called HDB) cheaper and quite nice with AirCon. You can get more for condo (apt) or service apt (the most expensive).
The offer come from the agent so I think (if not mistaken) they already deducted some amount. The company though is good , one of the biggest in Qatar - Doha.
For salary, its only equal to SGD$4250, which is average in Singapore, I guess I can manage to get more in my next job.
Since some of my friend from Indonesia said that we usually get 3x salary from Singapore thats why so many IT people from Singapore especially Indonesian / architect and airline industry move to Qatar / Bahrain / UAE ... its like upgrading Pentium III to Core 2 Duo :)
So I might be reject this offer, and some information I got from other sources with my 10 years exp I should get more than the offer.
Thank you for the information, and I will keep my eyes open for other offer.
Salary depends on job and responsibilites. Housing allowance all depends on type of accomodation you are willing to settle for, plus you may have to buy your own ACs so you should be able to get an allowance for that. You also need furniture - an allowance for that. "Travel" allowances usually around 1000 QR. 6000QR should get you an old 2 bed apartment in a block of flats. Don't be expecting anything fancy or facilities with that. A villa in a posh compound could easily cost you over 16,000........
Don't be too hasty. Yes and no.
I'm not in Qatar yet, I've been waiting for my work visa for the past two months, so I've spent a fair amount of time twiddling my thumbs and hanging out on Qatar Living.
I think the standard advice would be to say to someone with an accommodation allowance of QAR6,000 that that is too low, because rents in Doha are very high, and you will struggle to find a 2 bedroom apartment for that amount.
If you accept that offer for the accommodation allowance, then be aware that you may end up dipping into your basic salary to contribute towards your rent.
Also, a lot of landlords have been putting up rents over the past few years and so even if you do find an apartment you can afford to rent now, it is likely that your landlord will increase the rent substantially at some point in the future, and if your contract of employment doesn't allow for a substantial salary increase on an annual basis, then you may have problems next year when your landlord puts the rent up (as they probably will).
Also, other people have commented about problems with bonuses, you may be told about a bonus, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you will receive one. I think a lot of it depends on which company you work for, and also that you need to ensure that any allowances or bonuses are actually specified in writing in your contract, and not just verbal offers.
Don't say "yes" to this first offer straight away until some of the more experienced members of Qatar Living have popped by and given you their opinion, and given you the lowdown on living expenses here.
negotiate man.
6000 make it 7500.
10 000 mmm kinda average but ok
make sure 6000 get raised up to 7500
its a very good offer seagath...u shud get a decent 2 b/h/k place for 6k and 10k i enuf for ur family...i think u shud giv it a go..i dunno where ur from so i cant say much abt u liking qatar but its not that bad a sure u will love it...
hope this helps