Interview with QR

By Knightsbridge •
Dear All,
I had an interview with QR last week. They said they would get back to me "soon" - how long is "soon" in a Qatari context?
EDIT: Follow up with the Human Resources department within two weeks of your interview.
Lazy goons dont work at all friend.....Luck matters here
Hi!I am attending the Open Day tomorrow in Manila Phils. Just want to know what happens during Open Days that last for 3 days.What are the questions asked during interviews?What preparations should I do?
Hi DC3
I'm an aircrew.
Take care
The best mean of applying is through their website. Even if your country of residence is not listed, keep your details updates as they might add it when you least expect it.
Otherwise, you could always telephone their HR Department and speak to one of the recruitment officers (although, they aren't very helpful and remind of a textbook).
Hi Tiger9p,
Thank you for your answer.
Are you an aircrew or an office employee?
Good day
I don't know the specific time that they will inform you about "Short Listed" but as for my case it took nearly 60 days to get short listed email. Goodluck DC3
I am new on your Forum.
I applied to qatar airways October 1st for a manager position.
How long to wait before to receive an email saying that I am short listed ?
Should I consider myself not short listed after 30 days?
Dear "tiger9p",
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, I have not received any e-mail from QR that I have been "Short listed and kept in their holding pool". Then I guess I am not in their short listed. Damn man...
Well, one more thing is there is no way to reapply in QR because when I applied in QR, I clicked the "Apply Now" link 1st. Then I found out there were different names of cities and countries where QR was supposed to go soon for the recruitment campaign. It was actually list of countries name. I found out Dhaka - Bangladesh in that list because in the newspaper ad, QR gave the direction to apply. I can give you the link here what was writen in the newspaper ad.
The link was:
After 20th July, 2007 they removed Dhaka - Bangladesh link from their website because 20th July, 2007 was the last date to apply (it was also writen in the newspaper ad). So, I applied on the 18th July, 2007. Then as usual, I have received an auto reply within few minutes from them that "We have received my application form properly and I have to wait for 90 days to get any response from them". They also mentioned that "If I do not receive any response from them then in this case my application form is unsuccessful". I guess my application form is unsuccessful in time.
Plus, I have been checking their website where I can see the upcoming recruitment campaign list which are going to be held. They posted their schedule of the entire month of October. Dhaka - Bangladesh is not in that list. Maybe, they will come here on November. I don't know actually & that's making me frustrated.
Can you tell me what happened when you applied in QR? Like: "How long did you wait for their response to attend their recruitment campaign?" I don't know you atended the open day or assessment day or panel interview... Can you please tell me about the situation what you faced on that time?
I will be waiting for your reply. Oh! you can add me on MSN so that we chat if you want to. [email protected] is my address. Thank you very much again for your help. I am really honored :)
I just don't know what to tell you now. Just hope that QR will contact you soon. But, if there is still no response like this then you should consider to reapply with QR. QR tend not to give regret letter, but they tend to lean on 90 days response period.
By the way, did you get an email from them that you have been "Short listed and kept in their holding pool"? To be consider as a "Short listed" applicant with QR, you must receive this email.
Normal process would be
1. Online application
2. Invite for interview, testing, and etc.
3. Final result
90 days period apply to all of these 3 steps process.
Wishing you best of luck in resolve this issue with QR.
***All comments and suggestion that I have given you are from my personal knowledge. I do not have connection nor work in HR Dept. of QR***
Dear tiger9p,
I sent an e-mail to that address what you gave me earlier. Again no response from him/her. I don't know what I should do. It is really confusing. If I am not one of their short-listed candidate then why they don't send me a regret letter. Then I could have stopped hoping about it. For other airline, people get regret letter if they are not short-listed. Does Qatar Airways send regret letter to their applicants who are not selected? People of other airlines get the regret letter within 1 week after applying. Can anybody help me out regarding this issue? What do you say "tiger9p"? What should I do now? Just to wait for their response...
Hi rubaiyat, is the position you applied for a commercial position?
a little progress everyday adds up to big results
No problem Rubaiyat. Goodluck!
Glad that I could help you out.
Dear "tiger9p",
Thank you very much for your reply. I applied for this job through their website. There was a newspaper ad of Qtar Airways, where they posted the cabin crew vacancy. They said to apply on their website. The newspaper ad was posted on 6th July, 2007 (Friday). The last day to apply was on 20th July, 2007 (Friday). So, I went into their website. When I clicked the link "apply now", I found out the name of the places where Qatar Airways would be recruiting soon. So, I found out the "the recruitment campaign Dhaka - Bangladesh" link. Then I clicked it and they gave me a form to fill up. I applied there and updated many times before 20th July, 2007. Finally, I updates my form on the 18th July, 2007. So, then they sent me an auto reply that I have to wait for 90 days. If I do not get any response within these 90 days from them then I should start thinking that this time my application is not successful. At the end of the e-mail, they said not to reply that e-mail and that reply is unreachable to the HR Department. I did not reply. My few known people also applied in this job but nobody has not received any response from them yet like me. So, I can assume that they have not started sending e-mail to their candidates yet. But still I am curious and sort of frustrated for not getting any response from them. Well, thank you very much for the e-mail address. I will definitly e-mail to that person to get the information. Thank you very much again for helping me out.
"Rubaiyat" If I were you I would try to give them a call or email them. Unfortunately I do not have QR HR's email address. How did you apply for this job? Did you apply in person or email? If you apply by email, then use the same email address to contact them.
Try this email address I think that this person work in HR of Qatar Airways
[email protected]
Hey tiger9p,
As I told you before that I applied in QR on the 18th July, 2007. My 90 days will be over on the 20th October, 2007. I have not received any response yet from QR. As you advised me to wait till end of the September, I followed that. Still no result. What do you suggest me to do now? Even Dhaka - Bangladesh is not their coming soon recruitment campaign list. I have been checking their website after applying QR. It is just my guess that they might come to Dhaka - Bangladesh on the 1st or 2nd week of November, 2007. So, do you suggest me to give a call to Doha or e-mail to the HR department, Doha? Unfortunately I do not have their HR department's e-mail address so that I can contact with them. Can you please please please suggest me what I should do now. Plus, I want to know the date of the recruitment campaign in Dhaka - Bangladesh. Can you get to know the date when the HR people are coming to Dhaka - Bangladesh? Plus, can you give their HR department's e-mail address so that I can send them an e-mail to know all the informations. I am now really really confused. Please help me out. I would be really appreciate your help.
I will be waiting for your reply.
Thank you
I don't think that their will be any problem if your brother tell QR that he's marry. Mostly they want single female to work as flight attendant, but as for guy I don't think that they do mind much about marriage.
Hi R7,
You've mentioned that gr7 is around 13k-17k.
Is it the basic or the overall salary?
And are you with QA/QR?
Hi R7,
Do you know what would be the salary range for grade 9-10? and what accomodation to expect from QR as an engineer?
Thanks mate..
I just thought to link my question with this brother was called for an open day cabin crew campaign followed with interviews next week.If he says he is married will be a disqualification to be a cabin crew member at QA?
Grade 7 in QR would generally range from around 13,000 till around 17,000 depends whether u r getting the mid point or the higher end of grade 7!!
No problem Rubaiyat! Goodluck with QR! Let me know when you hear a great news from QR!!!
Hey "tiger9p", thank you very much for your reply. I am really motivated. I will remember it.
If I were you, I would wait a bit longer. Like if there still no response around the end of September, then I would call them up or just email them. You still got until October 20th before your 90 days is up, so don't give up hope yet. Keep in mind that QR hire many people around the world so there are tons of paper work to deal with. Goodluck with QR!!
hey, i have applied in Qatar Airways in 18th June 2007. 20th June was the last date to apply. The vacancy was also posted in the local newspaper of Bangladesh. So, I applied & am waiting. I also check their website almost everyday. The upcoming openning day schedules are given in their website till coming 19th September. Bangladesh is not mentioned there. Also, 90 days will be over on 20th October. Still, they have not called or sent me any e-mail yet. Atleast, I am confident to get the call for openning day. What do you think that do I still have time to get their response? Please let me know as soon as you can because I am actually confused.
It usually doesn't take more than 90 days for QR to response if they are interested in you. If it has already been more than 90 days, just re-apply.
Hi Guys, can anyone tell me how much does a two bedroom appartment in Doha cost these days. I am not looking for anything fancy, just decent for a small family.
Also, my experience is that around a month after joining their open day, they informed me they had given me an offer. It was June.
a little progress everyday adds up to big results
Take it from a fellow wage slave...Qatar is what is referred to as an IBM country!!
I = Inshallah (God willing)
B = Boukrah (Tomorrow)
M = Ma Ykhalef (I doesn't matter)
The vaguest and most common phrases you're ever likely to hear, yet for some unexplained reason they form the backbone of all business dealings/personal/professional interactions in the country.
Again soon could mean anything, so just hang in there and best of luck.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
hi all,
recently i had an offer from qatar gas for rover operator. which is
basic = 4500 qatari
traveeling, trasport,
shift allowance etc= 1625 qatari
apart from this housing, airfare(per annum) etc.
is this offer good enough. i am a B.Sc in mechanical engineering with 3 years experience in the oil industry
And u can get the answers on ur questions. But do not 4get to Sign In. I think its a very helpful site.
Knightsbridge, can you tell me what did they ask you on the panel interview? That might help me out... Thank you!
Sorry rubaiyat, I had a panel interview and did not attend an open day. Good luck!
Hey guys, I am Rubaiyat from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have applied in QA last month. I haven't received any response from them yet. I have visited their website but no news about coming to Dhaka for recruitement. So can anyone tell me that how long do i have to wait for their response? By the way "Knightsbridge", can you tell me what happened in the openning day? What they actually look for to hire anyone?
I am still waiting.... :-( and feeling increasingly unloved...
I've sent them a chaser email now - keep your fingers and toes crossed!
I have learned something
It might take a while i got a reply from them after 2weeks
QR is airline lingo for Qatar Airways.
Thanks everyone, will wait until next week and then give them a call.
In my case they took over a month to call me back. But I guess there is no standard for that. My advice is to call them if you feel is taking too long.
Ohhh...Don't loose your heart there!!! Before going for 'never' you can wait for three months....Inshallah!!!
Oh no! My hope is gone.... ;-)
From some days to never!