If a person is hired under a form of UNLIMITED CONTRACT, is he or she entitlled to have an NOC?
My friend has a problem... He wants to get out of his present job. He was working for almost 2 years with this company and no increase was given to him.. Before, he is having free food and accomodation. Now, only accomodation is given to him and no food allowance anymore. The problem is his contract is UNLIMITED. He will be having his 2nd year on June and he wants to end his service as soon as he reached on that day.
Can he demand for an NOC so he can transfer from other company? Because as what he is experiencing, he's not really satisfied with the company his working with.
Hope somebody out there can guide us on what to do in order to have an NOC on his company.
This has been asked a million times. Once again: _nobody_ is _entitled_ to an NOC, and regardless of what kind of contract you have, your employer is not under any obligation (except moral obligation perhaps..!) to give you one. You can ask, and you can even demand, but it is up to them. In some cases, if your employer terminates the contract they might be required to give you NOC if you have family/obligations in the country, have been offered another job, and gone to the labout court about it. If you resign, don't count on it. Sad but true.