How much is the basic salary there in doha?

By mau_elvena28 •
I am a filipino woman interested to be employed abroad particularly in qatar. How can i post my cv/resume in this site? Actually i had previous applications there in some companies and now waiting for my visa, the employer keeps on telling me to wait for it.... how much is the basic salary there in doha? Thank you and hope to hear from u guys...
i am a filipino too. what you can do is go to and go the list of all agencies, get their email send your CV. Most likely at least 20% will call you the following day. The minimum wage here to live decently for a single is around 5000 QR (net). The cost of living here is skyhigh so you better be careful with your deal.
Good luck. Another option is go to the website like There are so many available jobs to choose from.
basic salary for what type of job?
mostly 1500QR for an average employee.depends upon ur experience and company where u have applied may visit gulf times classifieds there you may find, no need to spend money just send them thru email your cv.