How can you servive her in Qatar, if the traffic charg you QR12,000/ within 6 month and your salary is 1,200?

Anybody who is suffering from this Topic,
Hi! It's the major problem for those who come here in Qatar for earning some money and send it to their country to care and feed their family, I am talking one of my friend, Professionally he is a driver of private company in Qatar, his duty is bring staffs to office and drop them after office. During office hour, once he jumped the red signal line, He is paying QR 6,000/ from 6 month by his own salary, And again last week he made a same mistake and again he was charged of QR 6,000/. The main problem is his salary, he is earning QR 1,200/month. He paid for food with this salary. and some ammount he savsd, send it to his family before 5/6 months. Now, he can't send any money to his famaly because of charged of QR 12,000/. Our company didnot pay any money.
I think he should not charged like big amount, because he is also a man, and truly humen being made mistake. A simple mistake make to much penalties that he can't servive here. He always told me that he was wrong that he came to Qatar.
Any body who have an idea please, suggest me about this problem that how can I give him free from this tension. This Qatar rules may good for safely living, Incase of him this rules make too much problem. How can he be free from this tension?
keep eating chips ang go watch Qatar champions league they'll pay you on each entrance and take the public bus , ...
Jumping red light is a traffic crime of serious description. It has far reaching consequences in case of any eventuality. All criminals are equal in front of law. The law itself or the enforcing authorities cannot look into the salary of individuals. So one should be very careful while driving not only in Qatar but everywhere in the world so that accidents can be minimised and no one is given licence to take another's life due the unruly, rash and negligent way of driving.
If he ran the traffic light once and then asks for help I could understand. But he ran the light 2 times. Had he not learned his lesson the first time? It shows that he does not care about rules, nor his family, nor other people on the road. Because if he would have cared and thought about these people he would not have run the lights a 2nd time. Sorry but no pity from me. If you can't do the time, dont do the crime!
When In Rome..............
If he jumping the red light 2X he shouldnt be let driving on the road. One day he might kill someone !
They have implemented traffic rules for everyone's safety. Jumping the red light is illegal wherever we come from.
So, what if he's earning QR1,200? He should have adhered to the rules before even acquiring the license.
That's just not justifiable.
So, Smartboy, you are saying to punish the rich for having money!?!? I'm sorry, it's the same crime so it should carry the same punishment. Should the rich man be flogged twice as much for adultery? Hung twice for murder?
Qatar's traffic signals are unique to the best of my knowledge - flashing green, then amber. This is plenty warning not to cross a red light.
If a poor man runs a red and kills a rich man, should the rich man pay the poor man's fine?
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!
6000 Qr I will never say anything about a ticket in my home country... Any more of these hefty fines??
The matter is not simple as you people were discussing.If somebody earning 30,000 PM is committing this violation,see how simple he will pay the fine ? The Impact of the punishement is too less on him coparing to our title case ............
Purely driver's mistake. Qatar should not be blamed for this
My dear traffic Dept is not concerned how much you earn whether it is QR500pm or 1200pm,you must respect traffic law and esp.driving on red signals,I consider that you committed 2 crimes by now,as you can put the lives of innocent people at high risk of major accident.I am sure you learnt a lesson by crossing the red signal twice,so infuture take care,start your office vehicle on time or little early,don't listen to co-workers to go fast and jump signals.
Now you can do some odd jobs,and pay the fine.Good luck for your future driving in Qatar.
Simple. Follow the rules and there will be no fines. It's not a case of unfairness but of responsibility. As harsh as this may sound, it's a fact. How does a student pass an exam? by studying. Those who cheat or make slip ups have to prepared for the consequences.
Drive according to the road conditions and traffic flow.
Don't drive fast in oreder to allow you to stop suddenly.
Make sure that the distance between you and the car in front is enough to allow a brake in an emergency.
Take care to reduce speed when you recognise that the traffic lights may change which happens abruptly.
Do not crowd the traffic light keep distance between you and your front driver - it will help in the end.
You don't need to be the first and you will not be the last in a traffic queue so accept that.
No need to violate a red light - just wait - you will arrive safely and also your passengers - which in the end is your responsibility.
If you have crossed two red lights in the past then you are irresponcible an should pay, you did not think about your passengers but only to get ahead or the traffic.!!!
If you kill your passengers - you kill yourself as a driver.!!!!!!!
Tell ur freind to follow the Traffic rules properly. Its good for everyone. then only these people wil learn, they not care about the rules, just they drive like their home country. even my using car for more than 10 years in Doha, never paid for those.
I think you asked this questions on the wrong place, you should ask it on humans that may sometimes do mistakes, here they are all angels, no mistakes, this person is asking for help, not for rules listing, i think he can get the rules from the traffic department. he is sending the money for his family that might be suffering to get some food.
what i think the traffic's fines should be something x% of the salary.
God bless you all
Tell him to obey the traffic rules. Do not drive too fast. Slow driving and ask him does he not learnt the traffic rules before he had adhered the licence? If once he got the penalty again and again why he is occuring the mistake?
There is no way that the rules can be amended, whatever the charges he has to pay to the Qatari Government Traffic.
His job description?
Driver, yes?
Why does he keep on jumping the red light then?
Rules are rules.
He should know to obey the rules, this is not his village
where cows cross the road. Major accidents happen bcos of uneducated ppl. They think they are kings on the road
Penalties bring obedience.
If money is shortage then he can ask for help, and he should realise his folly and dont blame it on country.
Those ppl who make mistakes and learn will know how to survive any where in this world. But by complaining he will stay ignorant forever
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Sorry, but if one is employed as a driver one should know better. Rules are rules.
Scenario: Someone runs a red light and kills someone else - should they be punished less because their salary is lower. I don't think so!
ohh my god!!!! i know how he feels. its a big big problem now he cannot send money to his family because of that mistake. that 6,000 is too much!!!! maybe its better to seek help from the company or goverment to atleast, give him the options on how to settle this matter in a way that he can. i cannot imagine his family how they live? if i have too much money i help him atleast. i feel sad....
hi, He should respect traffic rules and when he does not obey next time he should be charged double 12000QR.
Stop jumping red lights. If he can't stop making this "mistake" then perhaps he should reconsider his choice of job.
observe the traffic rules-drive carefully.(2x jumping the red light?????)
Yes I agree that it is too much for him, but it is what the law says. I think a better way, if it could ever be enforced, is that 40% of a person's monthly salary is charged instead of a standard 6,000QR for that offence.
Now if we all lost that amount, every single one of us would be penalised in proportion - and even the richest people would step up and take notice!