HMC will increase their salary?????or the staff will just dream..

As JCI accredited HMC as one of the finest and number 1 hospital in the gulf.. the HMC nurses still hoping to increase their salary... Staff Nurses of HMC gives their best effort to render the highest quality of care in the nation but unfortunately the salary they are receiving are competitive enough to the high rent + commodities + stuffs of Qatar now...
Anyway hoping they will increase... so that the nurses will not move away from qatar.
lets hope that their salary gets increased by 2010 or 2011 wid a fake smile on our faces lolzz... SumAmeen =P
well not only nurses .. i guess they should count on the whole staff !! thts not fair ... hmm but frankly speakin i dun even hope frm them .. argh !
May Almighty Allah Blessss us with what we r already Expecting, Ameen :)
We r hearin this News since 6 months n Hoping with fake smiles. But now people started swearin that its confirmed. Its going to be started from Match BUT.........By Authentic Source......HEAD OF FINANCE didnot sign the Paper yet.........
Dr. Mohsin
Quite interesting am a nurse and planning to relocate to Qatar can anyone tell me what nurses salary range is and what benefits it comes with. Also if my husband has a contract with a different company will i be able to get my own contract? Please respond thanks
I am Dave from finance. We really have an increase this coming march. Increment will be based on our evaluation. It should be released last january but somebody stop it because we have to use the budget in more important projects. for more information you can call me in my office
XXXX-XXX-XXX (posting of number is not alowed), finance department, H.M.C., Makati, Philippines.
yes there is in march 2008
keep on praying do not leave the hope sure you will here the news that "salaray has been increased"
:D I think HMC staffs especially DOCTORS & NURSES are getting more than what they deserve,, According to me the Organization should pay them less whatever they are getting NOW... Because they are not doing a satisfactory Duty ... Just to say the patient's relative "NO HOPE" :) For this answer they should get more less than what they are getting NOW .... I never met in my life these type of DOCTORS
Yeah ur rite tra lala la as if they are taking somuch care u know..
wlah... thats good news. let them have the big salaries more than the rest of us, they deserved it.
who else going to take care of the sick people if not them???
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
I have heard in the OT, mila thats its going to be this month
I dont think so. At present if u compare they are getting morethan other organisations.
lets prays for their best interests.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand