hi.....need ur help

By indiansouth •
My husband got a job offer from QP .They are offering a salary of 36000QR per month (which includes housing and transport), also other allowances (insurance, edu allowances, flight tickets etc). Is this a good offer?
55000QR is offered as furniture grant .Is this amount is enough, if we are looking for a 2 bed room flat? What would be the average rate of a 2 bed room unfurnished flat?
also would like to know about other expenses like Utilities, Groceries etc?
please answer and help us to take a decision....
the last pay rise is 10 percents.
My understanding was 40% depreciation in the first year. I should check it again
this is a new information to us...thanks...
The grant depreciates at the rate of 25% per month.
Leaving after 1 year you would owe them 75% of the grant, after 2 years 50%, after 3 years 25% and after four years nothing, the furniture is yours.
Increments. I am not sure what the levels are at the moment. It used to be a maximum of 5% but I would hope it has increased since then. Maybe someone else can respond on that issue.
Some people are lucky
and you are one of them..
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做 我了解。
You can't understand until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
Thanks for the answers.
Sorry Dweller I did't get u? 25%???
Is there any annual increment in QP?
Qatar Petroleum.
The furniture grant is "worked off". It depreciates at 25% per year so after 4 years the furniture is yours.
the salary is good BUT what is ur husband qualifications and experience and job title
he might deserve more than that
Someone is pulling your leg...
You can't teach experience...
by the way, what is QP stands for?
Turno En Contra..
that's a pretty high salary... hope your husband take it.. it's enough to take even with Qatar's high cost of living, besides everything's free, and one that makes it more beautiful is, you are included on the packaged..
Bon Voyage to qatar..
Turno En Contra..
Hi, I am working in QP as a senior staff, the offer is pretty good, it depends also where he is going to work, if he is going to work in remote areas then the location allowence would be more and the housing would be for free.
The education and medical are all offered once you come here it wont be included in the offer they provided to u.
Best regards
P.s: if any information required plz do not hesitate to contact me.
and very good "furniture grant".. you might spend only about half of it (or a bit more) and to have a nice furniture at your place.
Whatever Makes You Happy...
Really is a good salary
a 2 bedroom flat here is from 7500Qr-12000Qr.
Just come dont wait.