Fly In Interview?

I have had 2 phone interviews for a senior IT position and now they want me to fly to Doha for an interview. Is this normal? Does this usually mean that I basically already have the job or do companies usually fly in their top 2 or 3 candidates? I am an American and its with an Oil/Gas company. Also, any idea what the typical base salary / housing allowance normally is?
I guess if they r giving you furnished accomodation and kids educational allowance,then 20k or up .otherwise it should b more than 30k.
fly in is very normal and most of us did the same I guess. usually companies that do this are following 2 methods.
1. lets fly in the first candidate and we see, if not we get the 2nd choice and so on.
2, More structured companies will select the top 2-4 and fly them in
if they tell you right after the interview the decision they follow method 1..
Housing, they should pay for, if you get allowance, you have to make the deal, negotiate and pay deposit.. quiet frustration time wasted, best you choose company does the rest
Usually most 3-4 bed Villas are similar priced and in size. Cookie cutter Principe, decoration varies sometimes and shape. If you can choose go for larger compounds ==> better facilities also good if you bring kids
Salary if you bring fam and kids min 20k and up
make sure you check schools, waiting time and all the fees involved and what you company is refunding. you might have a bad wake up call.