Flexibility to negotiate rental allowances

Hi all, I am coming out in a few weeks to finalise a package and look over some accommodation in Qatar. My offer is with a government IT agency. It is a very fair, comprehensive offer. Apart from the rental allowance of 10,000QR a month. From the research I have done, I will not be able to get an apartment/villa that I would expect (Similar standard to what I live in now and have had previously as an expat.)
How flexible are public sector employers in negotiaging on rental allowances? I also would want to future proof against any high increases in the future.
Is it possible to "trade" potential education allowances ( I have no kids and they will pay for schooling for up to three), for allowances in other areas?
Any insight gratefully received, and I look forward to becoming an active forum member when/if I move out in December/early next year.
You can negotiate basic pay but not allowances... but it is worth a try, the worst thing that can happen is tell you "NO".
no you cant .... if no school going children u will not get that allowence
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Managed to fiddle with the payment but not with allowance