Is this fair ?????????????

By jamesdavid •
Dear All,
I am working in one of the travel agency in Doha for more than 2 years. Company is paying me qr2000. Is this fare to get Qr2000 as a Travel Consultant. The problem is company gives no release also. Anyone can help me to get job in anycountry other than Qatar in a Travel Agency Field.
Find the job in some other country thr'o job websites and resign your current job!
Going to the court should be your last option. If incase just finish your contract and go to other country, try your luck there.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Qr 2000 comes with Free accomodation, Transport to and from place of work and accomodation.
once you are involve in a court case, you wont be able to leave the country for whatever reason.
Hi guys iam not higacking this thread.........
one guy worked with Blue saloon asked for a salary hike few months back
wat happend is HR people handed over him his termination letter & told him you are not even deserving the current salary u r getting.
He then complained to NHRC.. now his case is with them....worst tragedy is his father expired and he could not go to his home country becos of this case
There are bosses will exploit you till you tolerate.
10years back this would be fine but today tell your boss you keep the salary and give me only 1500 and tell him give me
1/ free accomodation
2/ free transport to office and back
3/free food
4/charge your mobile for 300 riyals
then he would use his brains.
its not fair..
PEACE NOT WAR FOR 2008! ________________________________________
also if you are iphone user, check this forum:
you have to talk to them.. Qatar has changed a lot over two years..
Inflation is very high lately, and prices keep going up with the speed of lights…. Talk to them, prepare the letter, draw their attention to your situation.. they have to either increase your salary or at least to give you release.. That’s what really must be changed in Qatari sponsorship law… the salary of the guy is obviously underestimated, but he still has to stay with the company as if he doesn’t have any rights and freedoms…
This Too Shall Pass.....
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