faculty salary at qatar university

I got an offer to work as a faculty at Qatar University. The offer include:
FREE 3 Bedrooms villa. Fully furnished.
FREE health care (including family members)
2-months paid summer holiday.
Round trip holiday ticket
1 month salary gratuity in a year completion.
interest free car loan (60,000)
A monthly salary of QR 20,500.
Would you please advice if this is a good job offer?
EDIT: Well it all depends on your particular situation
Here's a rough guide:
Single (no significant other or children)
8,000-9,000 QAR Basic Salary
6,500 QAR or Provided Accomodation
1,500 QAR transportation (your package should include health care coverage, and furniture allowance (if applicable) and plane tickets home)
For a couple with no children or 1 small child:
10,000 QAR basic salary
6,500 QAR housing allowance
1,500 QAR Transportation allowance
Your package should also include a furniture allowance, health and Medical Coverage, free tickets to your home country per year for at least yourself, spouse, and three children.
Also if your child is in school you will need a subsidy on their education.This will allow you to live in a modest 2-bdrm apartment with a decent lifestyle and allow you to save some money per month - that amount will be dependent on yourself.
If you want to live in a Villa
15,000 QAR basic salary
12,000 QAR housing allowance (at least)
1,500 QAR transportation
All the above benefits. This should allow you to live very well and comfortably with money to save.
If you want the lavish lifestyle with a large posh villa
30,000 QAR ++ Basic Salary
25,000 QAR (minimum) housing allowance - often at this level housing is provided
2,000-3,000 QAR transportation allowance
All the mentioned benefits plus fully subsidized education at some notable schools ie. Qatar Academy. Plus free private health care. And often benefits such as free utilities.
Rents are always fluctuating so check the classifieds section and there you can view actual apartments for rent.
dudes, people used to work harder than u all for QR. 800 / Month as a labor
I was offered a Postdoc job in QU in Engineering. The pay is about 62000$/year with housing covered. I have a PhD from UK and 3 years Postdoc experience in Europe. In my current university, I was also given the young researchers' award for 2016. I'm not aware whether this is a good salary given my experience and high quality publications. I also currently supervising a couple of PhD students (this university allows me to take PhD students). I'm currently getting about 40,000$/Year but the academic structure and satisfaction is very high here. My current University offered me a no pay leave of a year to go to QU and come back. Can you advise me on this? Is it a good offer? Thanks.
I have masters from Columbia University in Finance and bachelors from IIT Madras looking for position. please let me know
you must have M. Sc. from EU or USA university
if u dont mind could u pls let me know the minimum qualification reqd for a faculty and a teaching assistant.
Thank you for your advise. I will take it in my consideration. Now I will put all together, then i will decide.
Again thank you for your wealthy advise. If i decide to come to Qatar,then i hope to meet you there.
Well, you won't have a chance to work on your PhD here in Qatar and QU is not run on an American-style system of university education/administration. If it's a teaching career you want then your best bet is finishing your PhD in the US and doing a post-doctoral year or so. Being a TA in an overseas school really won't help you much.
Hallo Mandi,
Thank you for your advise. However, there is also another circumstances. I work right now on my PhD. i get alomost 40% of it. So if i decide to take the offer, i have to give it up. I like teaching and i thought this offer is good to start my career.
I adapt totally to USA System in universities (how to deal with problems, my supervisor, etc..). I am afraid to disappoint with the working system there. Since I hold only M.Sc (no PhD).!!!!
i hope i could pass my point through
can you tell me something about your own experiences(the working system there)
It's not necessarily a matter of your qualifications, you are being offered a salary for that particular job. For TA it sounds comparable.
yes, they offer me housing. no transportation.
Is that offer engough to my Qualification??
Do they give you housing? Transportation? If so, then it's an OK salary for a TA.
Hallo folks,
I got an offer from Qatar university as teaching assistant. I have a master degree and two years of working experiences in a USA university as academic assistant. They offer me a basic salary of 12,000 QR. is that a good offer???
You didn't mention your nationality or your post.For Asians that's really good
Excellent evaluation of the situation, terranaikos. For everyone's information, QU pays quite a bit less than other universities in Qatar.
that I know live in "government owned" villas. they all live in substandard housing in my opinion (and theirs as well).
I was just browsing through as I was thinking of working at a middle east uni and I find the discussion on this thread very interesting, so here's my 2 pence worth.
20500 Qatar Riyals*12 months = USD67620 according to today's (30 March 2010) rates. Ok, not flash, but it is a salary bereft of a normal person's two largest expenses/deductions (tax and accommodation costs).
I'm an assistant professor in economics at a world top 50 ranked uni (Times Higher education ranking) in Australia. At any rate, a good uni. But my salary is currently AUD 80531-at current rates roughly about USD72478. My effective tax rate is about 25% so that leaves me with about USD54358.50. I'm paying a home loan, which roughly works out to USD19440 per annum (and rising), so that leaves me with USD34918.50 (if I move overseas and rent it out, the rent covers the loan).
Now, USD67620 in comparison to a disposable income of USD34918.50-it looks flash once we account for the additional costs noted above. Question is is it worth what:
(a) you are currently earning
(b) social/cultural shocks of living in a foreign culture
(c) help you save $$$ for your future.
Myself, I won't go for USD67620, to be perfectly frank, as I don't think the $$$ outweights the 'costs.' At USD80000 though, I'll take the next flight out to Qatar!
Maybe this salary seems very low for those intending to work in US unis, but the salaries on offer in the US and say HK/Singapore unis are outliers. My Australian university salary is higher than that offered in continental Europe and is comparable to that in the UK. And since the financial crisis, we've had no shortage of US phds banging on our doors, believe me. I would suggest that those of you thinking you can finish your phd and just walk into a USD100k uni job are in serious need of a firm re-evaluation of the uni job market. It is pretty bad just rght now.
You can live decently with this pay in qatar. See if you can haggle for more, as more the merrier..
Is your salary fixed for three years?
They (QU) are offering me 16000 QR (with accommodation + education allowance for kids..) for a lecturer post..
I have two masters with 8+ years teaching experience
(5 years in middle-east only )...
Sound reasonable?..
I think salary is not too bad considering that housing is provided by the university. Also it is okay when compared with the salary and benefits offered by universities in Europe and North America. But I do agree that it is too less for a professor or even an associate professor when you look at the salaries in industry in this country. Infact I am shocked and very disappointed. I am a final year PhD student and this makes me think to continue working in industry.
I'm actually continuing to research this. This is very preliminary, but I believe it MIGHT be possible to consider Qatar University-provided housing as non-taxable income. This ONLY pertains to Qatar University and not other U's in Qatar. Since Qatar University is government owned and since the gov owns the properties it provides to the University (Qatar U has confirmed this for me), the housing can technically be considered to be on business premises, thus fulfilling an important condition in the American tax law. Google "IRS Publication 525" and scroll down to page 7 for a list of the three conditions (a, b, and c)...
No..... I am not absolutely coming for the money. I love teaching and had good expression there while interviewing. Students I met were very smart and I like the small size classes. Also, I'd love to let my kids, US citizens, experience different cultures and that's why I applied many positions all over the world outside of the US including the middle east schools. I didn't ask how much I would be getting as I though it might be regarded as not appropriate in that culture.
In my field, engineering, 70K is a typical salary in the US and my only concern is my family. I have to pay for a preschool which is not included in the perks and the education allowance is not enough for my first one. Also, I need to buy a car (or two?) at least. As a poor and young phD, moving to a different country is a challenge...as you know... please understand this.
Is there any negotiation possible in the culture there?
Thanks so much.
I got a similar offer from QU with a PhD degree in the US and some year experience. The base salary is similar, 21000 riyal/month which is similar to $70k/year in US dollar. I am a bit disappointed with the base salary. I understand that perks are very generous but they are not actually needed (except the rental allowance) if we live in the US such as air tickets, education allowance, etc...
What do you think is the salary range for an assistant professor position? How did your negotiation go?
I need to bring whole my family so need more cash to support them. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks.
Good offer...take it!
But when I was doing my Turbo tax it was offering me a formula for a housing deduction along with my $87,500. Which is not applical to me as I live base. just thought it mught be applicable to you...
You can't teach experience...
Isn't it only the US universities that do that?
And, right, you cannot deduct housing, you have to add the "fair market value" to your US taxes.
He gives his nationality as South Korean. And yes, TAMU-Q would pay considerably more.
I still think there is an additional housing deduction.
Check P54...
You can't teach experience...
Vegas, I believe he is not a US citizen so his income may be tax-free.
Someone oce told me they tax that and with the cost of the villa can put you way over the exemption???
But I thought you could deduct housing expense but was told otherwise...You can check P54 from the IRS homepage.
You can't teach experience...
Anyhow, I really appreciate your all comments....during my stay there I got a very nice impression of the city and liked people. Please don't feel mad at my direct questions...sorry
Why did you apply for the position? Before interview and/or after shortlisted did you ask how much you are getting.
No point posting here
You guys should at least make 30K with the perks...
But at least you get summer off and tax free...
You can't teach experience...
should be making more than 20,500 per month.
But that salary is certainly enough to live well on and to save quite a bit on (assuming you won't have a lot of other expenses).
No taxes!
free furnished housing (probably doesn't include utilities -- check on this)
free LOCAL medical (note that this is ONLY for local govt. clinics and Hamad Hospital, not the better private clinics in town where folks speak English, and it will NOT cover you when you return to your home country of origin in the summer -- be warned!
It should also include free schooling for any kids you have (you don't say if you have any) -- and again, tuition here varies widely, so you need to know their cap on the dollar/riyal amount because I am SURE they would never pay to send your kids to the American School or something that cost more than, say, QR 25,000/year.
Here's where some extra expenses might figure into the mix...
So, not bad, but that salary is rather low for a PhD.
whats your job title? lecturer/reader/assistant professor/professor?
a native british friend of mine who holds a post-doc with a good few years of experience in industry was offered 10K basic (which he declined)
to me even 20K is a bit low for a lecturer. its a shame that academics are offered such low salaried here.
In UK for example - http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobs/JV552/Lecturer_Senior_Lecturer senior lecturer - 18,000 and thats before tax which in uk is a lot!!! Also no accom, car loan etc.
That seems a very good deal!!!!
good offer...geez..
seems reasonable. you shouldn't expect much more than that.
Wow, not much for a Professor!
Just accept the Offer and comedown...........
Welcome to QATAR
you got me confused??
Not really. Good accommodation but salary is low. In faculty I woul expect at least 30k.
oh definitely...