End of contract

I have a service of contract of a definite time. (2 years). I have almost completed one year.
My company wants to terminate my contract now. Are they obliged to pay the rest of my salary ( almost 12 months) as to compensate. I have checked Qatari labor law but could not conclude anything.
I want only want to get this compensation if I deserve it according to the law. I still have good relationship with my company
i have these cases in my company as well.
most labors who are cancelled will get their 21 days leave salary (if completed 1 year or 2) plus their current month salary (and overtime if any) and if they will really cancel you, you will get the Gratuity from the government that will be based on your basic salary only. then you will be banned for 2 years in qatar.
if you were locally hired and even thru the agency, you'll still go home. for the NOC or Release Papers, depends if what position you are in the company. if you are an engineer or manager perhaps, they could give you one. if an office staff or worker/labors, not at all.
just curious about whats the reason of terminating your contract...i believe there is a gratuity pay which is under qatar labor law.. equivalent to 1 month basic salary. if this is not part of your employement contract signed from them.. that is the big question,
talk to your employer seriously, and the best option is for you to have your release and find another sponsor.
yes i believe it depends on the cause of termination, i knew 2 causes (w/o cause) were given the full contract salary...one company gave it w/o argument the other one had to file case. another one which i didnt know the cause was given half year salary after bargaining..no lawsuit.
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receding your contract. If I am in your place, just bargain for a release if ever you get an offer from other company. Start looking for alternatives!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"