Dentist wanting to move from US to Qatar

By Mehrsahar1 •
I am a dentist in Arizona, USA and we have beent hinking of moving to qatar to live, I have tried to look for info on how and where to apply for a job and also about what salary should I expect.
Can I open my own practice or do I have to start working for someone? I built my practice in 2005 and I have all the technology a dentist can ask for and I would like to do the same when I come there if it is an option. I would like to move closer to family and that's why we are considering this mvoe at this time. Any help will be appreciated.
note that the prices given in the other thread (salary of a dentist) are in QR not in US$ (1 US$ = 3.65 QR)
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Thanks Mandibulur for your response
Thank you Dr Sam,Depending on the cost of living in Qatar 15K is not bad, also if there are jobs that pay 7k + room and board, auto and vacations, they are even better, since there will be no taxes that need to be paid here in US on that kind of salary.
Could you please let me know where could i get mroe info about getting a qatari licence and are there any websites I can look for jobs. I ahve tried getting in touch with qatari embassy in washington DC to get some questiosn answered but I have not heard from them yet.
final note, business wise, do a market research:
although qatar population is 1.7 million, and being the richest country in GDP/capita in the world, the Gini index is appauling (don't believe the 0.41 world bank data: it's comparing the income of the highest 10% with the lowest 10% of QATARIS not of the whole population).
so, of those 1.7 millions, ur polyclinic is aiming only at 300-350k population that can afford costy dental care: qataris (some qatari don't have the mean, or the will to go to expensive polyclinics), and some expats. and there is more than 40 policlinics already in place and running, competing for them.
for the sponsor: either he pays 51% of the expenses, and get 51% of the profit, or he pays nothing and gets 1000 to 5000$ a YEAR for using his name for sponsor.
be sure to have solid legal ground (questionable in qatar) or else, after the clinic becomes profitable, he can just kick u out, pay u ur share and just get another dentist that just earn a normal salary and he gets all the profits.
to have an idea of dentists' salary:
u have 2 options:
- come and work in a dental polyclinic under a sponsor, but the salary is (as Mandi said) very meager compared to the average american dentist outcome in the US. i don't know how much american dentists in Doha get as salary, but it won't be over US$15k-20k all inclusive.
- open ur own clinic with a qatari partner/sponsor; a dentist mean monthly gross income in qatar is around US$ 22K (as low as 10K for some, as high as $55K for others).
but that's gross income. u will have to pay salaries for nurses, staffs, dental products, laboratories, rent, maintenaance, bills, and pay ur sponsor out of these.
the best solution is to open a policlinic with 3 to 4 dentists working with u: u will get around $100K monthly.
for the sponsor: either he pays 51% of the expenses, and get 51% of the profit, or he pays nothing and gets 1000 to 5000$ a YEAR for using his name for sponsor.
be sure to have solid legal ground (questionable in qatar) or else, after the clinic becomes profitable, he can just kick u out, pay u ur share and just get another dentist that just earn a normal salary and he gets all the profits.
All businesses in Qatar must be owned at least 51% by a Qatari. Dentists in Doha tend to be extremely poorly paid in comparison to the US.
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