I'm Portuguese and was offered a job by a company in Qatar as QS. The company offers housing, car, company phone, helth plan, round trip once a year for vacations on my contry and a salary of UDS3000,00. As i know nothing about the cost of living in Qatar, can anyone tell me if this is a reasonable offer? I travel single status. Thanks
Hmmmm....... In fact, I don't want to discuss controversial topics online... It's not safe ..... :)
The company was clear on that. It is an independent 1 bedroom apartment. Anyway i will go there soon at there expenses to see the company and also to give them a change to see what i can do and know how to do.
Thanks fot your help.
grab it..
In my opinion I think its indeed a great offer and a good opportunity, since we all know that its quite hard to find a job with good compensation nowadays.
i think it's good, take it, you can spend on food stuff and other things about 700 US$ max. monthly, i also believe that salary increases with time.
just ask for more details about the accomodation,
they may provide you a room into an appartment or villa, which with it, you won't have your privacy.
otherwise i suggest to receive it as alowence and you arrange for the accomodation by your own, to get a decent accomodation will be in range of 1500 US$
single room, with kitchen & reception.
be specific with them better.
good luck
A friend in need, is A friend indeed!
take it...
...listen to the sound of silence....
If the offer and employer is real... GO GET IT!
Thank you all for your kind information. Really apreciated it.
...Life would become Dull if there were no such Difficulties...
As you mentioned, The Company offered you housing, car, phone, health care & air fare...You have to pay only for food & your personal luxuries such as Club membership & gym etc. It will be easily covered within less then USD1000/-
I would suggest to read this one
Then do a search and for sure you will find lot's of reading to do and get an idea of the goodness/or badness of the offer.
Like someone said before if really all that is provided + salary it seems a good one.
good ganiune offer take chance
good offer take chance don't waste time.
if company is going to provide u all these facilities and plus salary so i think this is good offer for u, because the accomudation here in doha is quite expensive. if company will provide u all those things so meaning u have good savings, but sure u need to check what package u was getting in ur country.
A genuine offer, hold it!