Anyone got news about salary increase?

By batangueno •
Does anyone got new news about having salary increase especially for govt. employees? Cost of living is getting higher and higher and everybody's hoping.. and waiting for a new salary scheme to be implemented..
So when I said salaries were decreased for many government employees I should have said...?
it wasn't a salary decrease only just recently.
It was 'leveling' to ensure that all government authorities had the same scale.
Some went up, some went down.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
No increament boss,, Every thing in returning back to same place as 4-5 years back.
salary increase............... yes 3 months ago
thanks for d answers guys...
just trying to have a piece of hope..
batanguenio,wats up ga? yes there is no increase, even the ration of coffee in our office was cut, getting harder evryday
Why would the government be increasing salaries now, when they reduced them for many employees only a few months back?