is 20K a good salary in Qatar?

By Mike_Murad •
I'm an Engineer with PhD living and working in USA and have 10 years of experience. I got an offer to work in the academia area; everything is paid for, tickets, housing, furniture, schools, car allowance, health care, retirement, etc.
Is 20K per month good with such offer for someone like me?
Any advice?
with your qualifications.. it requires more than 20K basic... try to bargain more ... good luck!
was going to say
don't assume tax free is a great thing here or a bonus
the tax you don't pay here. you will spend more than that on the higher cost of living and just about everything. I discovered that here.
measuring whether a salary is good or better than back home should be done by comparing how much you need to earn to maintain your current standard of living, plus any career advancement you want.
if you are US citizen with a PHD in engineering, you can earn more.... your base should be min 25000. After all should be more than you earn in the US since you are moving to the middle east.
School, furniture, bonuses, medical,annual airfares for family are all standard pkg for most reptuable companies.
Did you guys notice that he is under 18 and he has got 10years experience and 2 kids. So guess at what age he started working???
its good one, may be i am belonging to same academic institute where u applied, may PhDs around me working under same package, for sure you should save half of it!
:) Welcome abroad
If everything else is covered 20K is a good starting salary with 10 years of experience. If you are comming to QF and if you have not signed the contract, you might be able to negotiate a bit extra. Such packages can not offered by many in Qatar except QF, QP, or one or two more but again organizations which are associated with them.
we are 3 people, we're not extravagant, don't eat out much, we go to a few movies, buy some new clothes once in a while, spend about 4 - 5,000 QR per month.
all depends on your lifestyle and expectations.
We spend lots on travel though.
if you get two incomes, then you can save lots of money!
One thing to add.
I meant 20K riyals per month separate from housing, kids tuition, tickets, etc.
Sorry I can't share the name of employer as this might be confidential.
Also, how much would a family of 4 people spend in Qatar just for food, clothes and entertainment ??
Thanks for all the feed back
10 years experience pharmacist = 10000
all in all
no house or tickets or car to be added
just take 10000 and work all the shifts
so -- u r lucky
mike,,,what company u applied for,,,may i get the site plz and ill ask my bf to apply there if they have vacancy...thanks a lot,,,
regarding 20k/month with 2 kids and wife...i think thats good enough but if they can rise to 25k its better...if not...all provided anyway so only food u have to spend to...why not to try 6months then if u think its not enough then at least u tried and u see qatar...
if this 20k is basic only it's good as you mention they will provide you ticket, car, housing etc etc. is this seperate from 20k, are you coming here in Qatar for family status, regarding ticket check also if the academy will shoulder the expenses of your family ticket or you.
any ways here's the convertion of USD to Qatari Riyals
1USD = 3.645Qatari Riyals you compare your salary now.
cheers i hope this thing will help you. happy new year
Better you pack your thing and go home. if you dont know the Value of 20k. or els you just wana let feel around what you are getting.
forgot to say that I'm married with 2 children.
you are so lucky to have that..
but it depends to ur standard of living..
anyway,,,please maybe u can help my bf,his IT/spftware developer 12yrs of experience from UK..
thanks a lot...welcome to qatar
say alhamdullillah for the offer, but it depends on your way of living....
and its a big mark....
masha allah