Muslims ‘are Britain’s top charity givers’

Muslims are among Britain’s most generous givers, topping a poll of religious groups that donate to charity, according to new research.
Muslims who donated to charity last year gave an average of almost £371 each, with Jewish givers averaging just over £270 per person.
Nearly one in ten of Jewish givers donated more than £1,000. Among Muslim givers, most donated between £300 and £500.
Atheists, by contrast, donated an average of £116 when they gave to charity with roman Catholics giving slightly more then £178 other Christians slightly less then £178 and Protestants £202
Source- the Times of London Sunday July 21
Adek Berry/AFP/Getty Images Ruth Gledhill Religion Correspondent
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wat i undstand from the above said comments is that some people here who are against the showing part are indirectly listing their own charity figures....
apart from that this was just a information posted correct or not correct is not the question... the question is are you doing charity if yes good no need to hilite if not try if u can if possible.
wud support u llr and very sad to hear some comments of qlers who are jealous of islam and its system of charity hope that during Ramadan these kind of beneficials acts wud bring closer to god rather then bashing
Yes HG.. it is kinda same like what is one's religion got to do with violence. When it comes to violence we bring the whole race of religion so why not when if it is something good?
For me liberation is accepting everyone but if something is wrong we condemn and if something is right we appreciate. Not we blame their religion when they do wrong and we tell them they are human beings (why religion) when something is good.
When it comes to charity Religious beliefs or I can say "Believing in Karma" plays crucial role which one cant simply neglect by saying that why do we need religion to be good. It becomes more obvious if you do little research on morality, ethics and rationality.
regardless of their religion,is giving in charity..period. However as a Muslimah, knowing the way many Muslims are abandoning their religions teachings today,it's always nice to hear of those who are following their religion in matters so benefiting for society itself.
For that matter I was pleased to hear of many Jews giving in charity as well!
Obviously it matters a lot to LLR and MK and some others...
What’s one's religion got to do with giving in charity, being a good and caring citizen?
Whether Muslims give more than any other religion is not what I'm disputing. Their survey cannot be carried out on JustGiving. I am a member of JustGiving and I haven't been asked my religion nor is there any option to give it. I have given my name, email address, phone number and card details.
They make good “Personal” act of kindness sound like a competition.
Pathetic … what is this pointless survey trying to prove anyway?
Useless Study
I don't get the idea between putting people into categories by religion and then count them !!
MK fst of all welcome back hope u had a nice vacation.
secondly i request you not to post these kind of news which leads to bashing
Yes Lucky Gal you are right. Both violence and Helping others should not be categorized by religion, race or anything.
giving doesn't need to be categorized by religion, race or anything. Just a good heart willing to help. I wonder if the harry porter lady was considered in any way because I believe she gave a lot of money too....I think something that will make me happy is if they can help the muslim middle eastern countries too...fellow brothers...especially Syria,jordan even Saudi...lots poor suffering people
It is really great to know that you have some super powers to know what is in their heart.
Hats off for your mathematical talent. Please google and check what is "Average" means. If you make a group under a single title from three different grounds you have to take an average.
For your information this survey was not done by Muslims.
Please tell them. Muslims must stop comparing and learn to love.
Pleae them them. Muslims must stop comparing and learn to love.
Snessy this question was probably asked during a recent survey or as part of a recent census. The question was probably along the lines of:
How much do you donate each year to charity?
And they are relying on the honesty of the surveyed.
Charities are one of the best and biggest business in any part of the world.
Everyone thinks that they are giving for a good cause, but a lot of money gets spent on adminstration and some of the charity runners are on very high packets. Just don't fool yourself when you give to charity.
Muslims gave lesser than christians,meanwhile giving with an inhumane heart means nothing to God and is an abomination.
If muslims gave 371pounds then their can't be highest givers because christians comprises of catholics, protestants,and pentecostal which in turn means christians gave 558pounds or a little less as the research says.
The thing is that muslims are always good in advertising their only good deeds and hide the many evil deeds their do against humanity.
Anyways the fact here is that christians gave more from your research.
But Christian religious leaders condemn all those actions. Going out for a war unless it is not necessary is the absence of religion.
Problem with the readers not book.
Problem with the followers not religion.
As readers and followers are human being they will find another way even if there is no religion and it will continue. They will find security threats like Israel, they will lie on your face that the other country has WMD and will continue the same.
You could add in the Vikings to that as well, driven to raping and pillaging by their gods. Don't forget the muslim armies that conquered, North Africa, Arabia, the Levant and Persia. They created an Islamic Caliphate not an Arabic one. Same for the Ottomans.
Nationalism and Nation States are a fairly recent invention.
Like you think Buddhism is not a religion but still the violence in Burma, Myanmar was the worst in all recent violence as Buddhist Mob killed weak, unarmed and innocent people including women and children.
The actual problem is with Human Being itself (The Evil Portion). If you say world would be a better place without human beings I will agree.
World would be a better place
scientist helping their politicians for any legal violence
respecting each other's believes.
love, kindness, tolerance, liberation, proper justice
& good morality and ethics.
Historically Nationalism was the main cause for any major bloodshed.
Unfortunately you are right Jade.
Errrr jade? I read what you wrote but it makes zero sense
I'm back from the prayer to see a soft explanation is continuing to a already divided mind who will never know the truth of it.
LLR unless the change in approach to the effect is not adopted it is difficult to be conceived.
I said earlier, we were born man and still are man. Human is just a word and many falsely pose it and some try to practice and get ripped in by the fakers.
A decade old media message adulterated by political powers to create chaos is what has still been living in sleeping brains.
This indicates only the recorded donations. unrecorded donations are much highter than this.
Actually LLR I do not say that, some charities are fronts for terrorist groups to raise money for their activities but I doubt many Muslims give knowing that. Nearly all believe they are giving to good causes.
When it comes to charity it is not quantity, it is percentage. There are people who are more generous than Bill Gates if you take the percentage of their giving with their earnings or at least savings.
Yes I agree RIP but if you say Muslim give charity to fund for bombing I wound not agree. The aforementioned books explain the root cause of these bombings.
LLR I think you will find the very early examples are armies in hopeless situations making one last stand. (They were going to be killed anyway). However the act of deliberately killing yourself to kill others when your life is in danger is a fairly new phenomen.
Maybe the Chinese when they invented gun powder did it first, not sure
Once more for good luck...
How did this happen?
If you read the "research" quoted above carefully, it doesn't say that the average Muslim donated an average amount. It simply says that WHEN a Muslim (or Jew or Christian or Athiest) donated, the amount was about £x.
In other words it didnt count at all anyone who gave NOTHING as part of the average.
I applaud anyone who gives anything to charity, but to try to spin the research into something so false and misleading that it implies that members of one religion are more generous givers than those of another is quite horrible.
Besides, lets look at who the worlds most generous philanropists actually are - Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gates, etc. .
Yes you are right. I think this survey was not conducted by Muslim community in UK.
Population of Muslims in UK is growing and as per my thought most of them have jobs as they are migrated and 2.5% of their annual saving is mandatory for them to give as charity and many give more like I have some relatives who donate 1/3rd of their earnings. I repeat earnings not savings as they think that leastwise the companions of Prophet [PBOH] were doing the same.
For your information the poll was conducted by ICM, as you being so curious I think you wont mind subscribing to read full article http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/faith/article3820522.ece
Anyone who has given to charities in the UK will know, these questions are not asked. So it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Only your name and perhaps your address will be asked.
The first suicide bomber was the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships during the Crusades,killing 140 Christians in order to kill ten times as many Muslims. Another early example of suicide bombing occurred during the Belgian Revolution, when the Dutch Lieutenant Jan van Speijk detonated his own ship in the harbour of Antwerp to prevent being captured by the Belgians.
Modern suicide bombing as just a political tool can be traced back to the assassination of Czar Alexander II of Russia in 1881.
If you have time I urge you to read " The Logic of Suicide Terrorism" by Robert Pape
Do the bomb factory owners have signs outside saying owned by non Muslims, the same as when as Muslim gives to charity, he says it is spelt Muslim don't forget to put it down.
Bomb factories are owned by non-muslims who make all plans and market it to spread terrorism (thousands of proofs). Muslims become simple culprits.
I think you are sleeping in this world and better die than and dont come out with such comments without any relied information. The biggest terrorists are the west who really do not have enough for themselves and make policies of looting billions from muslims and then blame them.
Request to not wake-up or you will end up hating your birth.
In fact complete non-potent non-muslims are presently fed by muslim countries only, hence the game.
What about philanthropists....where they mentioned...no where......
Since when does one have to state their religious belief before giving to charity?? It begs the question as to how they came to this conclusion!!!
Atheists don't feel the need to kill other people
lot of atheists also take advantages of charity fund by showing themselves poorer to other communities
Charities around the world have been used as a front to fund terrorism, so hence murder. So how do they know the money they are giving go to good causes and not to bomb factories?
I think they have collected data from registered institutions and from online donations. Being anonymous is good, especially when you are emotionally week but when you are very clear about your intension and action, when you attain a higher spiritual limits where the outer appreciation and criticism doesn't affect your inner goals, I think there is nothing wrong in exposing your good deeds as you will become a true inspiration for many others. One more thing, only the person and the one who controls the souls knows very well abouts inner thoughts.
How accurate is this info?
Muslims say give charity
Fatima,very well done said.....!!!
Agree with you landlord......
But what sort of charities are they giving to?
if u dont understand whose problem
I don't understand this research at all. I recently gave to charity but I didn't mention my name nor religion so unless you're making a big song and dance about it, how does anyone know that info.
May Allah bless them all..Aameen! Considering the fact that giving in charity to those in need is such an important part of the Islamic faith, it's good to know so many Muslims are adhering to this truly blessed practice.
If all muslims give charity as specified for them, there will not be a single poor muslim in the world. Very simple economic strategy.
Subhan Allah