The last 10 Days Of Ramadan

As we have reached the last 10 nights of Ramadan
It’s not just a time for contemplation, reflection and praying for forgiveness, but also to make amends with anyone in this world we may have hurt, or been unjust to.
Fixing relationships, doing more good deeds, asking for forgiveness and erasing grudges from the hearts is of the most important messages of Ramadan.
This has been my first Ramadan I managed to make it to the last 10 days without breaking the fast (during the hours of fasting)
This Ramadan I learned that the month wasn’t just about mediation ,reflection or religious rituals, but also a time for forgiveness and making amends with anyone in this world we may have hurt or been unjust to.
Fixing relationships, doing good works erasing grudges from our hearts are all important lessons we take away from Ramadan.
On a personal spiritual level Ramadan helps us grow in spirituality, blessings and guidance.
May I wish you a blessed and very happy Eid.
There's more than enough time for that ...
someone has to start ...
Eid will be Next Thursday!
and some of these benifits are:
1. Obeying God more sincerly
2. Becoming better person in terms of self control and being humble.
3. Reducing the bad habits of some of us.
4. Not becoming angry and not shouting.
5. Dealing more respectfully with all people.
fully agree , there's no harm to listen & follow a good and genuine advice ...
I feel immense respect for you MN after reading your words and I thought You are observing Itikaf.
Kindly remove the video in your signature line, as it doesn't match with your words above.
Good say Marco
Wish God forgive us all
I know HOW it will be after Ramadan ,LOL :O)
I will put a hard copy of this thread in your car :p
GRRRR! )":
May Allah bless you and your loved ones!
EID Mubarak!
hegikharen : you're welcome (:
copy,tnx again :)
Rizks - what up on your EID menu ?
MN - Good post of motivation which asks use to re-think again of behaving to allah's commands always.
Hegikheren there are some organizations like Mariam center where you can be among females of various nationalities for celebrating EID. Fanar will provide the number to it and also Qatar Guest center, you will enjoy being among them.
Brit can we have an oath taking ceremony for RIP to this.
Brit: I couldn’t agree more.
In fact as soon as the countdown starts and the holy month appears to end many of us go back to our normal routine without taking any lessons from the month of Ramadan.
Been there done that.
TFS.. We should not just do these things during Ramadan, but all the year through :O)
Thanks for Sharing this my freind may allah bless you :)
thanks for the informative site :)
hegikharen: check this out http://www.fanar.gov.qa/
(: you're welcome..
thanks for the info,one day i want to be wt muslim people to know more about their beliefs n tradition :)
hegikharen: Eid (also known as Eid ul-Fitr) marks the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting.
It’s joyous occasion of festivity and thanksgiving.
hegikharen, EID is like graduation day in college, you'll recvd ur certificate.
for appreciation ..
Palancole: It’s not really about whether or not the person deserves to be forgiven, cuz many probably don’t but forgiving them isn’t as much about them as it’s about you (:Holding on to past grudges and resentment hurts us more than anyone else (:
so my advice is to forget but not let down your guard. (:
Whoever does cunning cheap acts with innocent fellows are always under the unbearable heavy burden of guilty.
But their stubbornness is so strong that does not allow their heart to melt ....
It's an occasion for receiving huge blessings !
Agree with Molten. Very thoughtful. :)
They were fearful of you ... so if you go back to them they 'll take it as a goodwill gesture & respond the same way ..
Let their heart be clear of your fear.
A little sacrifice on your part will make them better fellows .. they won't make problems for other / more people in future ...
Thank you MN for such a motivational thread.
Wish you, your family and everyone in QL a blessed and very happy Eid. :)
Sadly for me, I am not sure if I am still holding grudges. BUt definitely I would not love to go back and speak to a few people again. They hurt me so much. I want to forget them. I don't want to reconcile with them and later force myself to be on my guard. This will cause me some stress. So is it good what I am doing? Please advise!. Thanks.
just curious im just new in Doha ist time i seen n experence ramadan(am christian)i heard about muslim people do fastings n prayers,now how about eid what is it?
Thnks MN Bro good message during the holy month of Ramadan and Happy Eid to you and Your Family
you be around at Eid ?
Very nice .. you admitted although late .