No filters

I'm in the way to move to Qatar so i signed up in this site. I found very useful this forum to get information, but it is sometimes rather dispersive. Is there any sort of multiple or combined filter or something like this to select information or matching friends with peculiar features?
If there isn't I think it could be very helpful to set up it.
Thanks for the help, bye.
Just try the search function and if not - ask again. There's not much we haven't already seen but we keep answering anyway. No big deal. can join any group you like and attend their meetings.. then you will match yourself to whoeven you like...
I think Qatari did his best for organizing and dividing this site for groups, sections, topics,etc. Don't start all over again.. if you want to know if some particular sort of topic has been discussed, just make a quick serach by yourself, and you will find everything you want...
Yes, you are right, but it's a wasted time to post again the same matter already seen more and more times.
Better is to find them in a quick way. It is my opinion.
Dont start thinking this is a google sort of site.
If you have any specific issues to discuss about Doha, do post threads in their relevent forums and you will get responses.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..