Immigration not approving RP change even after having NOC

My company (the best oil and gas company) has already signed the NOC and the RP transfer forms and I have submitted to immigration office for RP change. But RP change was rejected.
The officer said that there is a block by the company for RP change.
Why is this block, even after singing the NOC and RP change forms by the former and new employer? What can be done.
This is a similar situation being faced by many people who lost their jobs recently due to redundancy by one the best Oil and Gas company of Qatar.
Please advice the time left to change sponsorship is very less.
Yes, be realistic. The State of Qatar is not a charity. They use you, abuse you, and then drop you like a hot potato if they wish.
Wunae and britexpat , the new company is ready to take some redundant employees from the oil and gas companies. The old sponsor has signed the noc and change of transfership forms , then how can they still put a block? They were locally recruited. It's such a serious situation for some. The immigration and old sponsor putting blame on each other for the situation and poor employees are stranded with no one to look for help.
Wunae: Well put. What most expats forget is that we are here to do a job as long as they want us. It's a contract
It's no different to people who meet the requirements for family visa having their family visas rejected. It's discretionary. You don't have a RIGHT to change your job. You are an expat in a foreign country,and if Immigration doesn't want to approve your transfer, then they won't, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Be realistic, the job cuts in the oil and gas companies are to make expats leave the country, not make them find another job in the country.
It does make sense. Its a win / win for the company. It satisfies the employee and makes him/her happy with an NOC. Then it blocks the NOC to keep them from joining competitors
"blocked by sponsor for change of sponsorship" = NO NOC because with NOC it does not make sense.
1977adil, how can immigration reject the rp even after my old sponsor sign the rp transfer form and NOC. Is that legal. In the immigration system it's mentioned a remark "blocked by sponsor for change of sponsorship" how can my old sign all papers to release me and still not remove the block? What can I do?
1977adil, how can immigration reject the rp even after my old sponsor sign the rp transfer form and NOC. Is that legal. In the immigration system it's mentioned a remark "blocked by sponsor for change of sponsorship" how can my old sign all papers to release me and still not remove the block? What can I do?
what professions ???
NOC with "limitations". I guess you have to exit from Qatar and look for new employer. NOC is required by new employer.
I know 7 of my colleges faced the same situation .. im having job offer but even im scared to apply .. since the result is known in advance :(
copy that
I heard specifically from Govt oil and gas as THEY ISSUED NOC RELEASE BUT INTERNALLY they informed to immigration to not allow further change of RP. My many friends has told me same. In this way employee will become sandwich between 2 giants. However in cases my friends are sitting without paying salerise if this is the case don't stay more and to move quickly to safe money. As you spend here one month from your own pocket will more than you spend in your country for 6 months.
What profiles Ruz and Osec are we talking about ?
I don't know the exact reason for not transferring you to the new company, but I have similar issue and my new company gave me a letter along with the transfer NOC to ministry of labor and it was unblocked within 24hours while my friend having the same problem from another company was rejected after one week bcos the company he was transferring to is not meeting there standard requirement.