
Why don't anyone from the admins monitor the classified section? The items for sell section is spammed with services such as furniture movers and packing, electronics is full with technician servicing offers, and it's a repeated adverts.
I think someone from the site administrators should stand up and advice the users about where to post to keep this great facility clean and tidy.
Are you paying to use this website? If not, how much money do you think this site is earning? Is it enough to pay for a site administrator to spend all day keeping the classifieds section tidy. In life you "get what you pay for". Maybe you might want to volunteer to work on this website for free to keep the classifieds section in order.
Khalid , Khalli's hands are up, he isn't as smart to suggest a solution. Ignoring is easy but it's like turning your face from the sun & assuming it's night. Like lying to yourself. .... ......................... Wed , 06.08.2014, 08.27 hrs
The problem is when you look for an item you get lost with the amount of misplaced posts, same when you sell something it go back 10 pages in few minutes, not to mention that it is repeated posts.
Thank you for your advice but sometime its not khalliwalli, maybe someone could give the admins an idea about how to stop it and educate other members how to use this nice free facility in a proper manners.
The problem is when they start they don't stop! And it seems like they are around the clock posting in every section some of them have 400+ posts about the same thing.
Really wishing the mods clean it up or do something about the spam.
haha true , Qatar living should hire more active Mods to keep it clean
Famous one's are "We Bay Not working AC"
Its funny that these uneducated thugs spam so much around here .
s I Agree with your point, it is irritating when you looking something in classified adds
Khalid you'r point is valid. Tue, 05.08.2014, 08.45 hrs