Where can we complaint about adulterated refind oil of a hypermarket’s own brand?

We bought that refind oil, sunflower oil as it printed of this high repute hypermarket's own brand like they sell many things of own brand.
Whenever I am frying something the oil starts giving high foam and spill out on gas stove and it was full of fire.
I have bottle with oil and authorities can check it for chemical testing.
Where can I complaint? Because I feel many housewives might be feeling same issues and might feel grave dangers to their lives.
Why there is no warninb on the bottle?
Just forgive them for now .
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Have you ever bought food that was stale, infested with worms or contaminated? If so, what steps did you take to ensure this does not happen again? Most of us have to deal with food safety concerns from time to time, but only a few of us do anything about it. While food safety is given absolute importance in foreign countries, in India, consumers are not fully aware of their rights regarding this issue. Hence, they do not react enough when they witness food safety regulations being violated. But it is high time things changed, and that is what this article aims to help achieve.
When food products are contaminated and adulterated, they not only reduce the nutritional value of the product but also leads to ailments and health hazards. That is why it is important for food businesses to follow the food safety guidelines laid down by FSSAI.
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Search for consumer protection department.
1) Name and shame the brand
2) All the supermarkets have a signage that shows you a number, email address etc etc that you can contact the Min of Commerce.
3) You may want to proof read your articles before posting. I assume you mean "refined oil" rather than "refind oil" see even here while I type the refind is red underline, which means I need to check