In your life........?

There many things happen all around the world in every moment, no matter good or bad, right or wrong. Life still gotta goes on as usual, who knows what is going to happen in the next minute! Appreciate every single moment from now on. Laughter is the best medicine for everything I guess. How to create laughter? Some people might create laughter by making fun on others even though it’s very unethical. I think I should write something related to my title which is “Things can happen beyond your expectation.” I think that if you want something to happen beyond your expectation, you either pray for miracle, or work harder . When you work harder to achieve certain aims in your life, whether succeed or fail but please don’t blame on anybody including yourself. All we can do is to try our best and let the God to decide. As for me I always prefer the shortcut way, wishing for miracles to happen, I would say that this is only can be applied on lazy persons. (Remember Laziness is the human nature)
Sadly with all the trials and tribulations befalling all of the creation the world over its getting harder and harder to smile and laugh!
Yes there are things we can do though. We can try to brighten up another person's day. Rather than smiling and laughing ourselves why not attempt to bring out a smile or chuckle from a sad/afflicted person. That would make all our laugh inducing efforts far more worthwhile.
Tinker, hope I don't make ya wanna whack me now!
last time i laughed when a guy kept calling cbq call centre for long time to ask about the time and date.
and smile for what???????????? how burbarian people become??
sadhu saint here on QL I must be dreaming ...Tinker pinch me
Everyone wants to be happy and smile everytime. Unfortunately life never give you roses all the time, it's always with thorns.Let's just hope that everything will be fine.
Yes its a sad news but life never stop and it demands us to live with smile even you can't..............
so he lost his hairs in that happiness strange one can scratch this much his head in happiness...........LOL
As much he cried in his life he lost his tear and hair...........LOL
Rizks - but protection is a must.. Please learn from Suri..:(
LOL Da......
We are talking about laughter here, not any shield or protection.....:)
Rizks visits Doha Jadeed he keeps hi both hands in his back pocket as a protection shield
Laughter is only key to good health and whoever got it he or she is the luky one...........
well that's what i am looking for............?
Yeah why don't we have a laughter club every morning on QL...
thanks lawa for the laugh, now take a toffee for tat....:)
ok getting back to the topic, Laughter is a key to good health too ! :)
at least i gave you a laugh...........:)
He cries seeing his bald head
u r right he always cry on spilt milk and when he found my post he got some thing fresh which made him laugh..........LOL
LmaO TCOM! hahaha
i last laughed at 12:15pm after reading ur post.....:)
RiZkS has been crying when ever he see's himself in the mirror.
that's why you never tasted real laugh btw when did you laughed last time..........?
Q:How to create laughter ?
A: Just tickle the feet with an Ostrich's feather....:)