.. Your conscience wins ..

By Molten Metal •
Hello All,
When we wrestle with conscience lets be prepared to loose to our own conscience ...
Because it's our consceience which is going to win at last ............!
.............................. Joys ........... MM .......... Sat, 25.10.2014, 08.55 hrs
Devils' shares must be given out .................. ....... Mon, 27.10.2014, 08.7 hrs
Much thanks all , all means including reporters .............. Mon, 27.10.2014, 08.26 hrs
Accha, There's glaring truth in your comments , greedy employers fleece hard working folks who bring a lot of revenue to them but aren't paid well & on-time. Rules 're there but it needs to be enforced in the true sense, before that as you pointed out is the real charater of the { greedy } employers who must wake-up { with Allah's grace } & do justice with their wards by looking after them well at their living areas & safe / comfortable working conditions and a reasonable salary on time above all workers' dignity must be honoured ..... ........................... if this happens then only one can say that their employers { higher management } are not selfish but divide the profit in the right proportions with a clear conscience ................................. ......................... .........
Sun, 27.10.2014, 09.26 hrs
Silver , That 's true , Right path is the ideal one even though it may be usually more tough .... .... ................................ Sun, 27.10.2014, 09.10 hrs
MM: I don't agree with you at all in this case. Had that been true, you would not been hearing of so many workers here whose employers cheat them out of their hard-earned money. These workers left their homes and families behind and toil in the burning heat of the summer season here just so that their families and children have a better life. Where is the "conscience" of such employers? Do these employers have any "conscience" or even any feelings within them for humans? From what I have observed, they are people without morals, feelings, conscience, or religion.
As it is neither safe nor right to go against our conscience it would be best to let it win!