And you thought I was wierd !

Love this guy and hats off to his wife...
I wonder if there is scope for a QL Doll Owners Club ???
AN oddball has splashed out a whopping £16,000 to travel around the world with his six SEX DOLLS.
Married Dave Hockey, 57, has taken his silicone beauties on trips across England and America — and he insists his wife "doesn't mind".
The dad-of-two said: "My wife understands it is a hobby.
"She isn't threatened by the dolls she knows I'm not going to run off with an 80-pound piece of silicone shaped like a woman."
He took the girls to famous sights including Stonehenge and Goodrich Castle in Herefordshire and even sky diving.
He has bought £1,270 worth of glamorous outfits for the dolls from lingerie giants Fredericks of Hollywood and, 18 wigs at £38 each plus several pairs of stilettos.
"I think the dolls are pretty - any man is lying if he says they aren't."
Source: The Sun :O)
blow up dolls are good for him at 57 instead of living least he wouldnt get embarrased if he couldnt make things straight on time..:)
You said it..
Pretty and don't complain :O)
weird....spooky.... :(
dolls cant even complaint, looks so pretty, almost near to perfection
It is really cool! Bit weird but hey he is not harming anybody.
-and the doll doesn't think that she rocksssss ;)
You Ba$tard...,
Stirring up painful memories..
I can put up with you talking about lamb chops, but bringing up her name :O(
Anyway, she is still close to me... I have a jumper made out of her fleece :O)
I guess this guy has the same feeling for these dolls that BritExpat once had for his first love Betsy.
She was so impress by BritExpat that she used to bah bah it to everyone about it.
I second that lavvyblue.with.oi oi oi..:)
let me know when your free for a pint or two of the amber nector with some real Lamb chops..:)
Happy Australia day to you in advance..
you may go on and on with your long list of pros for this doll partner but nothing beats a REAL WOMAN! :P
I wonder if he would like them to be buried with him? Maybe they will useful in heaven?
They are faithful to the "end"
-No need to hear the trash about how she lost last month in her weight.
i am telling you guys , this man could be our savior.
in a few years time and the guy is getting old while the dolls have not changed one single bit, will the dolls still love him for who he is? or will they want a younger model?
Hooker look alikes...he just doesn't have the money to pay for the real thing.
i mean population increment "problem"
sorry my bad.
-and we will not do mistakes in writing like this ;)
population increment or decrement ? :)
coz it cant be Preggy ! :(
-and we will help in the population increment ;)
one-shot you hav a long list man....:)
-and no heart breaking.
- and she has no mother to bother you.
lol jacky !
i can read somewere "accept threesome"...:(
U r right Jackmohanlal....:(
It isnt SAFE !
Rizks not if more than one person is using it... especially at the same time... lol
and you are safe from the disease called "Aids"....:(
and she will forgive you in case you forgot her birthday, or u forgot to tell her " i love you"
the best thing in them
-Nagging program is not installed.
-Complaining program also is not compatible.
-No additional requirements.
-No additional Budget.
-Can be used as a safety bag in case you are drowning.
-Replaceable anytime.
-accept threesome ;)
-and you will safe the condoms budget.
Was googling where I could buy one, you are so right its amazing stuff, one website even threw in a box of jiffy's and box of cialis with every baby doll.. :)
LIS is using the old "cheaper" version...
The new ones are a bit more costly, but can withstand a lot more punishment... GO FOR IT!
LostInspace..Just when I was thinking on buying one too. :(
I guess every blowup doll is like virginity one prick and its gone!
I find him a bit unfaithful how can he date a redhead when he is going out with a brunette
who is Mr.Rabbit ? :(
Men have been competing unfairly with Mr. Rabbit for a while now, interesting to see how women compete with silicone..
*Silicones never get a headache
It was me .. We tried hard but we couldn't "manage a trois" :o)
britey tat pic up there with the Red hair, i wonder who clicked tat pic ?
is it a Doll or tat buggers wife ? :(
We men are simple folk. All we want is companionship, love, cuddles and quietness..
I urge all women to out there to work harder to keep their man and stop him for going to silicone..
one shot: i personally don't fear of losing men. i fear that all men on earth would be sick like him. It's a disaster living in the world with all these sick people! tsk! tsk!
Lmao LIS ! :)
had a blow up doll but on our first night of passion i gave her a lovebite, she farted and flew out of the window! :0(
Mr Rabbit has saved many marriages as well as broken many Brit...
he is sick then lolz
Mr.rabbit? O.o what is that?
These are just companions to while away the time. He insists that the relationships are purely platonic... Unlike those of women and Mr Rabbit :O(
WK: women wouldn't parade their vibrators around in public...
Is every woman buying a vibrator considered sick too?
Because I don't see much of a difference between the two.
you are just afraid, because if other men follow him , women wont be in command :P
It's not weird.. he's just sick i'm sure! Who in the hell would hang out with somebody who doesn't communicate with you.. probably in his mind the dolls are talking to him.. he must be some kind of a schizophrenic or something
So this is what flanostu looks like..
He probably think we are weird. He is a baller for doing what he likes!
No.. He's enjoying his road trip ..
especially with the Red haired one..
Did this guy travel to Australia... and got caught in the flood?
Rizks she is standing in Lulu Hyper. The counter number I think you can manage to find out by yourself. :)
Sadly very true, Sness
Men are ready to spend thousands on decorating dolls,so it should be the same motivation to doll up one's wife as well?
Snessy spot on. :)
Must be a realy understanding wife ;)
What a pervert!!...weird...
Wife must be finally happy and got free from this sick man..
i am in love with Bianca....:(
britey, is she standing in any xyz shopping mall counters, where i can go and ask her for a date ? :(
The Skydiving one is Bianca
By the way, he also goes to the beach with them...
the guy himself looks like a silicon made...:(
he is weird and you are a weirdo
These dolls don't look any different to some of the women I see around these parts all dolled up to the nines...
did he get a makeover?
O holy C R A P do they speak also? Do they say the nicest thing? Do they ever get headaches? Do they have a Nothern Accent? Who cleans and washes them after the happy endings?
Man is there any shop in Doha. I am seriously thinking about getting one!
When he is out of town... Rizks goes to his place and has his way with the dolls... they dont kiss and tell ;)
They can travel in a suit case, don't nag and can say the nicest things :O)
Damn, this old dude has a big pair of balls :-|
Damn weird. Yuk
Just another "Group orgy adict" like Rizkz :P
Expatgeezer dont u know britexpat is the Proud owner of 48 such dolls for every mood....:(
in the 1st pic, he is sipping is the doll doing ? :( how can she drink, it just a doll you moron..:(
or might be he has attached a sucktion pump too in tat dolls mouth ?
Come clean now BritExpat!. How many dolls of this kind does yer own? I bet that Mrs BritExpat does'nt mind also?
2nd doll looks pretty !
6 Dolls ? Did he travel with his wife along with the dolls or just Dolls ?
brit, i think RIZK would be the best person to put his view on