You know you grew up in the 60s if

You know you grew up in the 60's if:
You can sing the theme to "Gilligan's Island."
You ever told someone to "look it up in their Funk and Wagnalls".
You watched Captain Kangaroo.
You'd invade the kitchen for some "Shake-a-Puddin" with a Lick-a-Maid chaser.
Red Hots, Hot Tamales. Otter-Pops.
You put playing cards in the spokes of your bike because it sounded cool.
You got up early on Saturday mornings to watch The Flintstones.
You drove your parents nuts singing all the songs from Mary Poppins.
You'd go to the dime store for taffy sheets, wax lips, candy cigarettes (and pretend to smoke them), Fire Sticks, Green Apple Sticks, Razzles, Sweet-Tarts and Chik-o-stiks.
You had "groovy" Tie dye shirts.
You thought the Monkees were a real group, and Davy Jones was dreamy...
You played Candyland.
You had a Jungle Gymn.
You remember Sonny and Cher when they were together
...and Playdough, Hotwheels and Lincoln Logs.
You knew how to do "The Twist" and "The Pony".
You played Twister at parties.
You remember full service gas stations.
You played paper dolls, Betsy Mcall and read Highlights.
You tried to learn macrame.
The smell of Crayola crayons, school paste and Playdough takes you back in time...
"Say goodnight Dick"
You bought singles-45 rpm records
You remember Kurt Russell when he was in Disney movies. (rawrr)
Mini skirts.
Surfer culture- Frankie and Annette, the Beach Boys...
You drew smiley faces on all your notebooks and on your jeans.
You owned a Lava lamp and a troll doll.
You owned at least one black light poster.
You had a Superball and a Magic-8 ball and a Spirograph and a Mr. Potato Head (with his friend Cooky Cucumber).
buzzkill :-P
Yeah, it was great. The Cuban Missile Crisis put the world on the brink of total destruction, Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon, Woodstock gathered more than a million to listen to Bob Dylan or Jimi Hendrix, and President Kennedy was assassinated. The Iron Curtain divided Europe and the Integrated Circuit was invented. But the very best were the American cars!!
Actually, I think it's a crappy list (I cut and pasted.) Here's some of mine:
If you ever debated whether Jeannie or Samantha had cooler magic powers.
If you ever had to decide between Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey.
If you ever had to choose between a hula hoop, a frisbee, an Etch-a-Sketch and a Slinky or a skateboard for Christmas.
If your first love was John, Paul, George or Ringo and you ditched him for Captain James T. Kirk, then later for Sean Connery as 007.
If your parents grounded you for saying "bitchin'" or for wearing a Maltese cross.
If you remember Buffy St. Marie.
If you can sing the words to Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne" and still get misty.
If you ever rolled your eyes when your mother said, "I can't tell if it's a girl or a boy."
If you lied about being at Woodstock.
If you couldn't decide between being like Twiggy or Goldie Hawn.
If you still like paisley.
If you remember hot pants and culottes.
And a million more ...
i wish i was born in the 60's so i can go to a Beatles concert.. and oh yeah, Audrey Hepburn is alluring~!!
lol, where'd you dig these all up?.....